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IF ASHTON COULD SEE THROUGH the paper-thin walls, he'd see Michael with his arm around Luke's shoulders, exactly like Ashton and Cole at that point in time, and Luke with his head resting on Michael's shoulder.

He's past the uncontrollable sobbing stage; now, it's dulled down to soft but erratic breathing and occasional sniffling. Luke practically lives his life in this stage of sorrow at this point.

The only thing Michael is really doing is casually playing the new Pokémon game on the large screen while hugging Luke, but it's the kind of normalcy he needs. Now that he looks back on it, blowing a single concert date out into a whole holiday was never going to be a good idea - too much stress, and the drama lately was going to follow them no matter how far away they tried to run.

Still, Luke can't help but imagine how much better it could have gone. They could have enjoyed it, could ignore the obvious tension, could have come out the other side stronger. Could have, could have, could have, but they didn't.

Michael's grip on the boy tightens as he watches the Pokéball shake three times and then glow, before he places the controller on the side and turns to fully face Luke.

"Put 'thank u, next' on." Luke mumbles, and with a few silent taps of his phone screen, Michael fills the room with Ariana's voice. For a few seconds, Luke still seems sad, but eventually he smiles to himself and begins to sing along, softly.

Michael joins in, and by the end of it, they're both laughing and crying at the same time, and this time, Luke isn't sad.

"You should talk to him." Michael says gently, and Luke nods. It isn't the reaction Michael was expecting, and he's a little shocked at how he doesn't need to give the overdramatic speech he prepared in his mind.

"To me?" Cole asks from the doorway, and Luke is instantly taken aback at how different he looks already. There's a distinct melancholy look in his eyes, and it makes Luke feel even worse. All the color has drained from his face, and he seems so much smaller.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I mean, we should talk. About everything." Luke swallows, and Michael stands up and walks out the room to leave them alone to maybe finally fix their relationship; to benefit not just the two of them, but all of the group as well. Truth is, even the band's been a mess lately, and more than anything, they all just want to go back to where they started.

if i believe you ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon