Chapter 1

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I slowly lift my spear and throw it away. A perfect throw.

"Nice throw," a voice says behind me. I turn around and there she stands, Clove.

My name is Cato, my last name is not important, I am 16 years old and I live in District 2.

Clove is my best friend. We met the first time right here in this place where we stand right now. I was seven years old, and I had just started my training with weapons. In District 2 we are trained, right from a very young age, to win the Hunger Games. Clove had begun to throw knives already at the age of six, so when I walked into the training center, she was already there and trained. Even then, she was skilled with the knife, and now she is known as the girl who never misses. I went to a box with spears, I had long time ago decided that I wanted to throw spears. I took a spear, and threw it away. The spear missed the target by several feet and struck the wall behind the target. The sound made Clove to turn around and she looked right at me.

"Need some help?" She asked slowly.

"I thought you were just throwing knife," I replied.

Many in the district know me only as a heartless killer. But that's just a role that I play. The truth is that I am humble, friendly, and also a bit emotional. But if the district would know that my life would be over, so since I was seven years old I've been playing the heartless killer role.

"Now I'm just throwing knives, but I threw spears at the beginning of my training." Clove went to the spearbox and took a spear.

"Get your spear, I can help you."

Ever since that day, Clove and I have trained together.

"I thought we'd run today," Clove says.

"Come on then," I reply and run out.

Clove is not the strongest girl in our district, but she's the fastest, so even if I got almost a half minute head start, she quickly caught up with me.

"Tomorrow is the reaping again," I mumbled. "Do you know who will volunteer this year?"

Clove suddenly stops and looks at me.

"I have only heard rumors," she says quickly and start running again.

Something is wrong with Clove, but I don't know what. I think it is because of the reaping, so I keep running and trying to catch up with her.

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