Knowledge and other necessities

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I'm gonna tell you a story. The way I'm gonna do that is to read you a diary. Even if you feel like asking 'who's is the diary?' it's unimportant. What's important is what happens in the diary, not who wrote it.

It could've been your best friend. Or that girl in school, that you have a crush on. Or perhaps it was me, who wrote it. I don't know myself. One day I just noticed this diary in my possession and now, after a few years, it's time to read it to someone.

The story I'm about to tell you might be true. Or I might have made it all up. Or perhaps it's somewhere in between. That's up to you to decide. I don't know myself. I'm just the one reading you the diary.

Now that you've started listening to me, you're not getting away. You're stuck here with me, listening to this story, and you're not getting away until I've finished.

The diary itself is bound in brown leather. The outside if the diary isn't that extraordinary, but the content...

I'm gonna start by reading you the first chapter, obviously. And after that, I'm gonna read the following chapters to you.

When I started absorbing this story, I wasn't able to stop. From the moment I started, till the moment I was finished, I sat completely still in my sofa, reading the diary.

Well then, let's get started...

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