"Alright Zoro." You smile before returning to your room.

"I didn't hear anyone enter..." Katakuri says seeming troubled.

"Don't worry about it, it's Zoro." You assure, closing your door before gathering some clothes.

"I cant help but to worry..." He sighs, getting up. "I'll leave once you two do so your neighbors don't get weird ideas if I'm spotted going out the window." He says. You look him over before nodding.

"Yeah that would be hard to overlook." You agree before slipping into the bathroom and closing the door.

You walk back out after getting ready, finding him playing on his phone while sitting on your bed. You go over leaning on his side. "One of those puzzle games?"

"Yes. Said it was scary but so far I feel nothing." He answers. How he said it made you giggle.

"Well, I hope you do soon... I'll see you later hopefully." You hum, hesitating briefly before kissing his temple and heading out again.

"Finally. Lets go, I'm hungry and I have so much to tell you." Your mom smiles.


"Hello welcome back." A familiar blond greets with a bow. He straightens, eyes regarding you warmly. "It's been a while."

"Yeah it has." You agree as he grabs two menus and leads you both to a table.

"We'd come here more often it wasnt such a drive." Your mom points out.

"I understand.." He smiles as you sit down. "How's Luffy?"

"Staying out of trouble." You assure.

"___!" A freckled waiter slides in beside you, giving your cheek a big kiss in greeting before hugging you. "I missed you!"

"Ace! Don't do that!" The blond gasps.

"What? I cant say hello to ___ now?" Ace frowns at him. "Don't be jealous Sabo."

"Wha- I'm not! I'm just saying you shouldn't go putting your lips on her!" The blond retorts with a blush.

"But she has such a cute face I can't help it." Ace pokes your cheek. "She's like a marshmallow person."

"Marshmallow person..." You echo. "Are you calling me fat? Because I will squash you." You warn.

"No. You're just adorably soft with a mushy face." He mushed your face in emphasis. You growl, making him laugh in amusement.

"That never gets old." Your mom's comment makes all of you look over. "The three of you were the same way in kindergarten too."

"Some things never change." Sabo says thoughtfully.

"So what can I get you two to eat?" Ace hums, pulling out his ticketbook.

You both order and the brothers leave you alone. So your mom starts talking about herself and her work and how she's been so busy. You used to hang onto everything she said, but it's all become so repetitive. A new boss, usually nice at first then turns into an asshole. A new hotshot associate that tries to get her in trouble. A new boyfriend that she doesn't want you to meet yet. All new things that are usually the same as old. Was this grown up life?

Soon your food was brought over looking so fantastic and delicious, but it did little to give you the mental energy back that had drained while listening to your mom drone on about new-old things. Maybe this was a form of anti-social behavior? Couldn't be depression right?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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