He shook his head violently, eyes narrowing into angry slits.

If any of them were the traitor........

He ground his teeth together in aggravation. 

WHY was he feeling these.... these stupid emotions for these idiots?!

Lost in his thoughts, Bakugo didn't notice a flying ball of red come running and slam himself into the ash blonde's shoulder playfully.

Kirishima lifted his head with that great big smile of his, his lips spread wide to show his shark teeth to the world in a smile, eyes turned down happily.

Bakugo sneered down at him, growling just a little as he looked down at this glowing ball of sunshine hanging off of his shoulder, rambling on and on about some new fighting technique or other that he'd found.

He looked away, letting out a small 'tch'.

That traitorous voice whispered to him again, and he could just hear the smirk in its tone.

What if he's the traitor?

Bakugo shook his head violently and stomped away.


Class 1-A chattered excitedly, ready for the day, standing around the classroom, scattered like the petals on a flower.

Bakugo sneered in the corner, the thought of a traitor still unable to leave his mind.

The 'Bakusquad' as they had named themselves ran up to him, energy levels sky high with huge and happy smiles bursting off their faces.

Raccoon Eyes elbowed him, a smirk growing on her face.

"Soooooo!," She drawled, narrowing her eyes playfully. "What's our favorite explosive boy doing over here all by himself?" Just like she knew what would happen, Raccoon Eyes jumped away right before he exploded her face, her body language screaming experience in this area.

Bakugo yelled at her, explosions bouncing off of his palms. He could barely hear Shitty Hair and Soy Sauce Face behind him snickering.

How dare they laugh at him?!

He snapped around and growled at them dangerously, but all they did was elbow him harder, tears slipping out of their eyes in laughter.

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME YOU IDIOTS!" Unable to take it anymore he let his funnel burst, lungs heaving furiously after his outburst.

The idiots stopped laughing but he could still just feel their smirks on their faces.

Sighing angrily he snorted as they went on and on and on about some video game or other that they wanted to play that night.

"Hey Bakugo," The ash blonde whipped his head around, curse words already on his tongue, sliding to come out when- "Wanna play Super Smash Bros tonight with us?" They all closed in on him, eyes bugging up and starting to shine.

HA! Like that would work on him!

"No." He snarled out, huffing.

They all pouted harder. Like that would-

He felt his resolve start to waver. NO FUCKING WAY WAS HE DOING THAT SHIT AGAIN.

"NO!" He yelled at them, eyes narrowing into slits.

Then, as reflex, he turned to yell at a stupid idiot.

He closed his mouth, confused.

He frowned. He didn't see a blonde head anywhere in his vicinity.

Stun Gun Hero: ChargeboltWhere stories live. Discover now