Final chapter : Chapter 3

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Xander fulfilled his promise. He visited Katherine every day. He started bringing things from the town for her. Once, he had bought a beautiful butterfly hairpin for her. He found himself being more attracted to her and Katherine felt more comfortable around him. She still was yet to say anything to Xander until one evening.

"You should have seen the gown Aunt Mela brought for my Ma, Katie. They were so big and ugly, Pa lost his appetite after seeing Ma in the dress." Xander said excitedly gesturing with his hands. He had recently learned her name and shortened it to Katie. The name Katherine ringed a bell but he couldn't remember how he knew the name.

Katherine let out a quiet giggle which Xander caught by surprise. Suddenly, Xander let out a sigh and laid on the boulder they sat on.

"I wish you would speak to me, Katie. Even if it's once, I just want to hear your voice not read your scribblings." he let out another sigh and closed his eyes.

"Michael." he heard a voice say. His eyes popped open with a speed faster than light. He sat up quickly and glanced around, trying to find the source of the voice. There was no one else in the forest apart from him and Katherine. Slowly, he turned to her.

"Did you just talk?" He inquired, eyes widened in disbelief. Katherine ducked her head under her long hair and nodded shyly. "Michael is my little brother's name."

"Katie, this is great! Just to be sure, what's your name?"

Katherine gave him a questioning look but nevertheless said it. She had been practicing using her voice since their first meeting. She licked her lips and slowly said her name.

"My name is Katherine Steadworth."

Xander looked at her in confusion. That name, Steadworth was the cause of his confusion. Their town wasn't a large one and so everyone knew who was who including the infamous Steadworth family whose firstborn was cursed but later killed. There was no other family bearing that name so how is Katie's surname Steadworth? Unless...

"Are you by chance... " Xander didn't finish his question, he couldn't. The stories he had heard about the cursed Katherine of Steadworth had consisted of horror in his childhood years. Parents had used her as an example for erring children.

Katherine slowly bobbed her head as she shyly but cautiously watched his reaction. Would he run away from her and tell the others what he had seen? or would he stay? She already knew the answer. He would flee and leave her like the rest. Maybe it was better that way, it was for the best. At least he wouldn't die like those that chose to stay with her. She would go back to being alone and would have to familiarize herself once more with the now foreign feeling.

With one last look at Xander, Katherine turned to go back to her cottage to cry as the feeling of sadness was overwhelming but was stopped by Xander's voice.

"So what? What if you are Katherine Steadworth, the feared cursed daughter of the Steadworth family? I don't care. I have been with you for so long and you haven't shown me that you are dangerous. You are the sweetest, kindest person I have ever met and you are beautiful, so so beautiful." Xander continued, her flaming cheeks encouraging him.

He moved closer to her but she stepped out of his reached before he touched her. Xander's eyes held pain and hurt for a moment before he recovered.

"I don't care if you are cursed or if they say you are bad, I don't. They are wrong, they are all wrong. They think you are a threat but you are just a lonely beautiful woman who just wants to be cared for. I am staying with you, even if they tell me you are death incarnate, even if you are the devil himself." He said breathing heavily as he had talked in a rush.

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