holding on

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Its been a few weeks since me and Omar came clean about our pasts. Now were in this strange phase where no ones around us knows were together but when anyone apart from Stokeley, Jahseh or Juice is around he acts like were not.

He gave me a job at the company too, nothing big, im only sorting mail out and delivering it but even at this job im making more than any normal job. Omar even helped me set up a bank account so i had my own money.

Hes been distracted lately. Hes stressed with the new drop coming soon and the clothes being finalized, and produced hes staying on top of all the problems. Omar also managed to get in touch with his brother Micheal and soon his brothers moving to a school in LA. after he finishes this year in New York. 

"Gazzy, have you seen my keys?" He shouted as i was in the bathroom showering.

"In the bowl in the kitchen" i said as i rubbed the shampoo into my hair. I was thinking about getting my dreads redone soon.

"Got them. Im running to the store, you need anything?" He shouted through.

"No im good"

I finished washing myself and hopped out the bathroom wrapping a towel around my waist and walking from Omars room to mines. It was a hot day today and Omar wanted to go to Stokes for a barbeque so i decided to wear super tight skinny jeans and a white smokepurrp top that said 'dead inside' with a skull holding up a water gun to his head.

I always loved the new line. I thought it was cool. I topped the look off with some black and white Nike 97s. After picking out my outfit i went back to Omars room because his room had a mirror and mines doesn't.

I tidied up my dreads, and started pulling them up into two ponytails. After that i got changed and went to the kitchen to start making the salad that Omar asked me to make for the BBQ.

Just as i pulled the shit out the fridge Omars mother burst through the front door and into the kitchen. Omar showed me pictures of her and of course those heels could be identified anywhere. She stopped when she seen me.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked me.

"Mrs. Pineiro, my names Gazzy, im Omars friend" i said hesitantly.

"His friend? Where is he?" She asked.

"He should be back soon he went out for some groceries" i said as she rolled her eyes.

"You look farmiliar, have i met you before?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"Mom?" Omar asked as he walked in with shopping bags of food.

"Omar, do you mind telling me why your brothers school has called me and told me i need to sign papers for him before he can transfer to a school here in LA?" She said as he sat the food down.

"Im moving him out here to live with me" he simply said.

"Who told you that you could do that? Micheals away for a reason" She shouted at him. I stood there awkwardly as Omar sighed.

"Mom, hes living with me and Gazzy, hes coming here to live wither you like it or not. Stokeley gave me his lawyer card and its the same firm that got OJ off so if you wanna fight this" he said shrugging.

"You and Gazzy? This little twink? What did i ever do to you huh? I gave you the best life i could and you turn out to be a fag? I gotta say years ago I thought it was some silly phase but your father was right" His mother shouted as she slapped his face.

"You never gave a shit about me or micheal, all you cared about was sex, money and alcahol. You and dad. Fuck you both. Im getting custody of micheal as we speak then you and dad can both leave us out of your twisted games" Omar said as his voice cracked. His mother shook her head.

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