friends (part 1)

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Omar pov

I woke up to a scream, im not talking about a scream you hear in horror movies when the bad guy almost gets the blond white chick that you been waiting to die the whole movie.


Im talking about a full scream, one that made me shoot from my bed, a scream that made me feel pain, it rang out in the appartment and made my hairs stand up. It was a shuddering sound that had me scared aswell.

After hearing the scream it took me a whole second to remember Gazzy was in his own room. I didnt hesitate to run towards the noises. He was struggling and shouting for help.

I swung his room door open seeing a sight that broke my heart. Gazzy was in the bed thrashing around. He had done this before a few times but never this bad.

"Por favor, dont" he pleaded as he cried. His face covered in trackmarks from tears. I tried to wake him but he wouldnt wake up.

I got into his bed and climbed behind him, i held him tightly in my arms telling him, pleading him to calm down and wake up.

"Bebe, wake up its ok." I said. Soon his eyes opened and he pushed away turning to see who was holding him. As soon as he saw me he flung himself on me.

He didnt say much, he just cried, and cried, and cried.

And i could do nothing.

"Gazzy, you know if you want to talk about anything im here" i whispered. He nodded and crawled up to my hight. He smiled sadly at me and put his hand on my cheek.

"I could never tell you, you would think im trash" he told me making my heart shatter.

"Never Gazzy, you could never be that to me" i reminded him. He leaned forward and pushed his lips to mines.

"Stay with me here please." He pleaded. I pulled him into me and turned him around, wrapping myself over his skinny, small frame.

"Nunca" i whispered.


It was saterday night, gazzy had spent the day with his friends or whatever. I have him some bills and let him go have fun. He said something about him going to look for a job. I insisted he didn't but he said he needed one anyway.

I bought him a phone so i could get hold of him when he wasnt around. I text him asking if he wanted to bring his friends over. He called me right away.

"Hay babe" i said as i answered.

"Um, hay" he said back making me frown.

"Are you coming home soon?" I asked him. He sighed and put me on mute. I was so confused. "Gazzy?" I asked.

"Hay, im back, ill be hone soon" he said. He sounded annoyed.

"Are you bringing your friends. Im having some people over they're welcome here" i said to him trying to be nice considering he had a ruff night.

"Yes Omar. Ill be there soon." He said hanging up. That was strange as fuck. Gazzy was always nice and bubbly. I shook my head and brushed it off and started ordering room service for the guys getting here for the poker night. We always took turns hosting.

Every 6 weeks i held it, this was the first time Gazzy would meet all my friends. He never came with me to meet them he always stayed home or went out with his friends.

The door went and i went to answer it.

"Ayye" i said as Ski, Skies, Diablo, Rocky and Uzi.

Skies brought his boyfriend Diego, who was also Diablos cousin and Uzi brought Carti his "friend" like we aint a bunch of gay ass motherfuckers.

Rocky of course brought his girl. She was cute you know, not my type though.

"Ayyye" they all said back coming in.

"Aye purp you better have food in dis bitch" Ski said.

"Its on its way fatass" i rolled my eyes closing the door behind them all. They fludded into my kitchen helping themselves to the snacks and beers i had out.

"Wheres this lil fruit you been telling us bout stoke?" Skies asked.

"He aint no fruit and hes on his way with some friends" i said.

"We stan a defencive boyfriend" Diego said clapping his hands.

"Shut up shark bate i aint fucking him" i snapped back. The room when quiet.

"Hmmm" Ski said making me eye him.

"So you pull a random twink off the streets, feed him, clothe him, spend ya dough on him and you aint tryna pipe?" Skies asked.

"Nah, the kids been through alot aite. Im just being nice" i said to them.

"Thats the thing Omar. You aint fucking nice, you hate everyone. How you tryna tell me you being nice to a stranger when you hate ya own parents nigga" Symere said rolling his eyes.

"He reminds me of a poor vertion of me a'ite, damn" i said getting irritated. I text Gazzy again telling him my friends had arrived.

I locked my phone and placed it in my pocked as i put music on and started to get the guys around the poker table.

I would be lying if i said we ever actually played. We usualy just played switch or something. We mostly just chat shit about life, get drunk and usualy end up arguing or horny.

I think out of all of us Rocky was the only straight nigga. Him and Kyree were a cute couple.

Soon once were all sitting and drinking the front door clicked open and in came Gazzy and two dirty ass kids. Everyone else looked at eachother as Gazzy came in with the two other dudes and stood quietly.

I got up and rushed to him, he kept his eyes on the floor.

"Whats wrong Gazzy?" I asked him. He kept his eye on the floor.

"I aint know people were here yet" he said.

"I text you" i said confused.

"My phones out of charge" he said blushing, he looked really sad.

"Well, whats wrong?" I asked. He looked at his two friends, who both looked embarrissed.

"Nothing were gonna go and come back" he said about to leave. I grabbed his arm as he did so making him flinch and i immediately let go.

"Gazzy why are you leaving. Stay please" i said. He shook his head.

"Please you guys, stay" i said looking at his friends who looked at Gazzy. He sighed.

"Can i speak to you. In my room?" He asked. I nodded.

All four of us walked into my room.

"Gazzy whats goin on?" I asked. Again his eyes on the floor not making eye contact.

"Omar i just feel uncomfortable is all" he told me making me squint.

"Why? Im here, i got you" i said placing my hand on his cheek.

"Omar, i never even got in the door and your friends were judging us, look at us for fuck sake. You really think your posh friends are about to fuck with us" he wbisper shouted.

"Yes, if they get to know you, c'mon Gazzy" i said looking at his friends. "Why dont you introduce us?"

"Shit yeah, this is Jared and Jahseh" he said as i shook both their hands. Jahseh jumped a little as i held my hand out to him.

"You guys can get cleaned up a little in hear if yall like, showers and shit or whatever. And theres a ton of clothes in the wordrobe over there, feel free to find your size and change, Gazzy please come with me and meet everyone" i said smiling. They all agreed and Gazzy followed me out to the livingroom.

"Guys, id like you to meet my friend, Gazzy" i said.

"Gazzy,you know Ski,thats Diablo, Skies and his boyfriend Diego, Rocky and his partner Kyree, Uzi and his partner, shit i mean friend, Carti" i said, Gazzy waved to them all.

"Hi" was all he said.

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