Chapter 3

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Jay's P.O.V

We were the first to arrive home last night. Nya and I were quite quiet. We silently hoped that our theory was not correct, and that, in short, Harumi was dead. As we hopped into bed and turned the light off, Nya called my name.

"Jay?" she had asked.

"Do you reckon we should tell the others about what I saw?"

I was silent for a bit. I eventually agreed (I mean, how could I not?) but I didn't know how Lloyd would react to it. We lay in bed, and I wrapped an arm around Nya's waist. I didn't sleep though. Thoughts flew in my head about Harumi; How is she alive? What does she want with us? With Nya?

I expect Nya was doing the same thing.

The next morning, we gathered up all the guys in the living area.

"Uh, not another one of your talks, you told us just two weeks ago that you were engaged, what now?" Cole whined on.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" Kai panicked.

We chuckled.

"If we're right, it could be something much worse," Nya stated. I nodded in agreement. As we were about to confess to the team, I realised that Lloyd was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll go find him," Nya offered.

"OK, but be quick," I said to her. I was bursting to tell the team. Patience is not one of my talents.

Nya laughed, a laugh that made me crazy for her.

Nya was gone for a good 15 minutes before the guys and I decided to look for her. We looked in Lloyd's room. Empty.

We looked outside. Empty.

We then decided to look in our room. As I pushed open the door, we all gasped.

Lloyd and Nya were kissing. Full on the lips. Nya's hand was running through Lloyd's golden hair.

Nya cheated on me. In our room. In front of us.

"Really?" I meant to shout, but it turned out a whisper. I was crestfallen.

"Jay, I – " Nya started.

But no. I was not going to listen to it. She had said yes to me proposing to her, but now she just... disrespects me? Nya tried to get the attention of the other three, but Zane, Kai and Cole were almost as angry at her as I was. Even her own brother.

I stormed out of the monastery, got on my dragon. The others followed. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to get away from her.

Nya's P.O.V

I got out of the toilet and walked into the living room. I broke down. I had just called Jay to see where he was (I had heard some muffled yelling from the toilet), but he wouldn't pick up, so I called Kai instead. I was answered with a furious Kai. He shouted at me and called me a cheat and said I didn't deserve to a Smith or to be with Jay. Then he said Jay was done with me.

Then he hung up.

Lloyd walked up to me. He stroked my back and turned my face towards his.

Then he tried to kiss me.

No. NO. I slapped him as hard as I could (hoping he would be slapped to the next realm) and yelled.

"What are you doing?" I demanded. Lloyd failed to answer, so I tried again.

"Why are you trying to kiss me? Don't you understand that I chose Jay. Do you even know how much I love Jay? Do you even comprehend that?"

Tears streamed from my face. Lloyd was about to answer, but I didn't want to hear it anymore. What had I done?

I ran outside and fell on my knees. Storm clouds and lightning formed in the sky, probably from Jay, but I just don't know why. I don't want to know why.

And as I screamed into the cold morning air, I accidentally destroyed the only home I've ever known.


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