Chapter 1

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Nya's P.O.V

"Jay, honey, are you ready? Kai said we're leaving in 5," I yelled from the bathroom to my boyfriend.

"Yup, just let me finish brushing my hair!" Jay shouted back from our room.

I stepped out of the bathroom, where Jay gaped at me. I had on my favourite grey playsuit with my signature ponytail on and just a hint of makeup. I laughed and hugged him. He always makes me laugh. We stepped out of our room into the dining room.

"What took you so long?" Kai whined.

We all sighed and stepped of the monastery, onto the lawn. Finally, we conjured our dragons and set off to the heart of Ninjago City. We had been asked to come to this little celebration so that our city's citizens had a chance to thank us after saving us from our deadliest threat yet – the Oni. But Jay and I were also using this gathering to our advantage.

Today we're going to announce our engagement.

I looked over to Jay, who was on my left side, enjoying the ride, a little smile playing on his lips as the wind swept through his hair. I couldn't help but smile too.

When we finally arrived on the streets of Ninjago we were greeted by the cheering of the people for us. Jay put his arm around me as I leaned in and waved. The team split up to enjoy the festivities together, which was very enjoyable. Jay, being the dork he is, tried to win me something (though I'm actually the one who won him something. It was beginning to get quite dark, so Jay suggested that we get up onto the stage to announce our big news. I happily obliged, I felt sick I was so excited. Or nervous. On the way to the stage, a girl with a bright pink wig on smashed into me. We both fell over due to the impact, but it was clear that she was apologetic.

"Oh, sorry! I-I just didn't see you there! I... Oh my Ninjago you're her." The stranger stood there, mouth wide open.

I chuckled nervously.

"No, no it's fine!" I smiled at her.

She looked at me straight in the eyes and smiled back. She then walked off into the crowd.

Those eyes. An unsettling dark green. Most like Lloyd's, but still...different.

Exactly like Harumi's.

I felt sick.

"Waterlily, are you OK?" Jay asked. His eyebrows were creased with worry.

"Just feel a little sick. Is it OK if we can go straight home? I don't wanna be seen like this by all of Ninjago."

"Yeah, sure honey," he smiled. "Want to ride with me?" I smiled and nodded.

As I hugged him from the back as we were riding Jay's elemental dragon, I decided to tell Jay what I just think I had seen.

"Jay, you know the girl that bumped into me?"

"Yeah, the one with the pink wig, right?" Jay asked.

"Yeah her. Anyway, when she looked at me, her eyes – "

"You were looking at her eyes? Aww, but I thought we made such a good couple!" he pouted.

I 'playfully' punched him in the back.

"Anyway, her eyes...they were this green, like Lloyd's but not quite the same and they looked exactly like – "

"Harumi's." Jay finished off. He no longer wore a playful smile on his face, but his eyebrows were creased, once again, with worry.

I once again felt sick.

"But she can't have survived the building crashing down, could she?" I asked in a tone of voice both in denial and hope.

"Knowing Harumi," said Jay as his blue eyes bored into my soul.

"She could have."

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