Winchester X Reader / Another One..

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[In which the Winchesters find out they have another sibling]

*Knock Knock*

"Who could that possibly be?" You wondered, walking to your front door and peering through the peep hole. You saw two unfamiliar men standing on the porch of your quaint house, impatiently looking around as they waited for an answer.

Cracking the door, you poked your head out.

"Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. Are you 'Elaine (L/n)'?" The shorter man with green eyes and styled hair asked.

"I'm her (daughter/son). Who's asking?" You replied, cautious as you wondered who these men were.

The taller man with longer hair and a more gentle demeanor nudged his brother. "Sorry, I'm Sam Winchester, this is my brother, Dean."

"(Y/n)." You replied.

"We think your mom knew our dad. Ya mind?" Dean motioned at the door, asking to be let in. You stepped back, allowing them to enter. However, your mind kept track of where all your weapons were stashed in the house. A pistol to your right at the entry table, another under the coffee table in the living room, a rifle behind the couch, a variety of blades in the kitchen hidden in plain sight. Plus many more in the upper half of the house.

Sam and Dean entered your house and awkwardly stood around the door until you led the way into the living room. These boys looked strong, you'd have a better chance of shooting them than stabbing them.

"So you're dad knew my mom?" You asked, sitting on the couch. The boys each sat in one of the two chairs across from you.

"Yeah, we think so anyways." Dean stated, looking around the room.

"We heard about Elaine from a friend of ours. They said she knew him. We were stopping by to see if she might know where he left something really important to us." Sam explained. "It's just a little box, but it has some important memories in it."

You nodded at Sam, but sighed in response. "Well, I couldn't tell you if she knew where it was or not. And neither can she. Unfortunately, she passed away about a year ago. Say, what was your dad's name again?"

Just as you asked for a name, Dean stood up and ripped a picture frame off of the fireplace mantle.

"Is this you?" He asked, almost in a growl. Dean had grabbed an old picture of you, posing with your father.

You nodded. "Yeah, that's me and my dad."

"Funny." Dean scoffed. " 'Cause that's our dad too."

Shock hit everyone in the face, then silence fell over the room.

"Wow, I have brothers." You mumbled, honestly not too surprised. The way life has been lately, anything could happen.

"We have a (sister/brother)." Sam breathed out, looking to his brother.

"Another one we didn't know about." Dean clenched his teeth as he returned the picture to it's spot.

You could understand why they would be upset. Another woman, another sibling, and apparently another surprise encounter with the newfound relative. But you couldn't help yourself from asking what was on your mind.

"What happened to dad?"

The brothers glanced between each other. Dean remained quiet, so Sam cleared his throat.

"He, uh.. He died in a really bad car wreck." Sam lied, unsure of if you knew about their line of work.

You frowned. "Well hell, that sucks. I figured he'd at least go down in a flame of glory, maybe werewolves got him. Or vamps, damn fangs can be a real pain when they get a big nest built up."

"Wait a minute, you know about monsters? And hunters?" Dean asked, finally looking at you.

"Well yeah." You replied. "Considering my mom was one, and raised me into a damn good one too." You smirked, proud of yourself and your mother.

The brothers explained what had really happened to your father and you tried to absorb it all. You loved your father, but you hardly ever saw him. It was difficult to feel the impact as heavily as Sam and Dean did.

"What now?" You asked, breaking the silence.

The boys looked at each other, then at you.

"I guess we hunt." Sam stated.

You gathered a bag, locked the house, and gently jumped into the backseat of the beautiful Impala before speeding off into your new life with your newest companions: your brothers.



What's up guys! First imagine! I figured it would be good to start with a bonding moment between everyone, really sets the tone I guess. Anyways, hope you liked it!!

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