ThiS oNE tImE At bANd caMP

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And whenever one of my roommates says "this one time at band camp." To be cool and hip with the trends as one does in this meme run world. I sit there and smile and say, "This one time at band camp, you know the thing I've actually been to and have stories from."

I was briefly treated like a celebrity. Like omg wow you've actually been to band camp and can actually say that. This is one worldwide meme that started with band kids, only band kids understand the full impact of the meme, and will end with band kids. Because you know this will still be said amongst eachother even after the meme dies, it will live forever through us.

We won this battle and this is only the beginning of us conquering the world. I am studying music ed to become a band director and will lead an army and holy cow this post took a different turn than I expected I think I need counseling college has fried my brain not to mention music theory. Sorry for not posting in like five years, but I am a music ed major and if you dont know how hard that is ask your band director right now go, I'll wait. I'll probably post an update at some point on what it's like to be a music ed major if anyone is interested. I'm becoming a permanent band kid omg wow so exciting.

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