Preliminary Game and a Stupid Fight

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     (A/N) Sup fam!  I just wanted to post a little warning up here before you started reading if that's ok with you guys! I beginning of the rest of the GMG based chapters, so here goes nothing: THE PLOT IS NOT GOING TO BE EXACTLY LIKE WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS ING THE ANIME!!! Now, this mostly applies to dialog and a few other things, but I'm gonna try and keep the sequence of events as close to the anime as posable! So, YOU HAVE NO REASON TO TELL ME THAT THE STORY IS OFF FROM THE ANIME, I HAVE WARNED YOU!!! Anyways, enjoy the first REAL chapter, Author out!

        You and the rest of the gang finally arrive at Crocus for the GMG's. The capital was completely decked out for the games, the streets full of excited citizens. Flowers decorated the entire city, painting the landscape with beautiful colors.

        You hop excitedly out of the wagon that you had taken to get there (you don't have motion sickness since you're a sky dragon slayer, just like Wendy). Breathing in the new scent of the new town, you jumped around happily, spinning in circles. "Isn't this amazing?! I'm so excited!!" You squealed, still jumping as Natsu groggily stumbled out of the wagon. You're bright (e/c) eyes scanned the city around you, taking in all of the different types of flowers that surrounded you. "Oh no." Forest commented, right as you let out a sneeze, followed by two more. "Are you ok (Y/n)?" Lucy asked, concerned after your sudden sneezing fit. "Yeah, I'm just allergic to pollen, but it mostly just leaves me sneezing a lot without being able to smell anything due to the congestion" You laughed a bit, one hand rubbing the back of your neck while the other wipes your nose gently. 

       You then heard a bunch of laughing around you guys, causing you to stop your excited jumping. "Hey fairies, do you really think you're gonna win this year!""Even the great Natsu Dragneel is stumbling!""Look at how stupid the (h/c) haired one looks! Ha, how is she gonna win if she can't even stand a few measily little flowers??"The bystanders jeered at you guys.

        "THAT'S MY SISTER YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!! WHOEVER SAID THAT'S ASKING FOR A FIGHT!!"Natsu shouted at the crowd, before curling over, still not healed from his motion-sickness. The crowd just laughed and made even more comments at his actions, angering him even more. 

       "WHY YOU-"Natsu was about to shout, before Lucy came up to him, covering his mouth with her hand. "Come on Natsu, it's not worth it, "Lucy said, slowly removing her hand from his mouth. "But they're making fun of my family!" Natsu argued. "We can show them how strong we are in the games Natsu, but for now, we just have to ignore them," Erza said, patting Natsu on his shoulder. "Ugh, fine" Natsu pouted, not even Natsu was dumb enough to fight with her at the moment.

       "I still don't fully understand why I'm competing" Lucy mumbled to herself, remembering the conversation from the day before.

        "Why am I competing and not (Y/n)?? She's a much stronger wizard than I am, not to mention that she's s-class!" Lucy questioned. Master Makarov had just announced the group that was going to be competing, which consisted of Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Wendy. "I'm sorry Lucy, but I'm gonna have to agree with you" Wendy said, apologizing to Lucy.  "I didn't want to put in both Natsu and (Y/n), those two could cause a lot of damage together," master Makarov said, sighing at just the thought of the cost of the bills he would have had to pay. "But why chose flame-brain? (Y/n) is so much stronger than he is!" Gray asked, consequently starting a fight with the said mage that Erza had to break up. "Well, to put it simply, Natsu would have been really butthurt if he didn't get to compete," He said, knowing Natsu too well and just how he would react. Everyone looked at the tiny man, completely understanding what he was saying. "But do not worry, I am planning on having her as one of our reserve members, I'm planning on having her fight at least once" Makarov smirked, excited by the prospect of showing off one of his children. Everyone smiled and laughed at his statement, excited for the games to come.

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