Pinkie jumped up shouting about true love, while the girl and I both slammed our heads into the desk.

"Hold up! Why the hell do I have to be a team with the shrimp, and miss high maintenance?" I asked, very annoyed

"Well, if you actually tried to get better grades. You wouldn't be dead last, and stuck on this team." He replied

"Just don't get in my way, dobe" says the black haired bitch.

"Tch. Teme." I spat.

(Rest of the teams are the same)

After Iruka gave another speech, he left us to our teams.

I was just kicking back, when the pipsqueak walks up to me.

"I'm only going to warn you once dead last, Satsuki is mine" he said, trying to look menacing

To be honest, I found it funny. I threw my head back, and laughed in his face, getting the whole class's attention.

Satsuki's POV

I listened to the pink haired kid spew his nonsense, I think his name was Sakura or something. It doesn't really matter. Then the blonde dobe started to laugh.

"Look shrimp, you can go ahead and take her. I only know three Uchihas that are cool, the rest of them are stuck up bastards. I could care less about princess over there" he said pointing at me.

I stood up, and starred him in the eye.

"How dare you. The Uchiha clan is one of the most prestigious clans in all of Konoha. Who do you think you are, to soil our name" I demanded

"Uzumaki, fucking, Naruto. If you got a problem, then come say it to my face" he challenged

I walked up to him, until we were inches apart. I glared into his eyes, and he glared right back. We glared at each other, until the pink boy tried to pull the dobe away.

Everything happened in slow motion, pink stumbled forward, and slammed into the dobe. The dobe fell on top of me, both of us falling to the ground. I felt something soft, against my lips. I looked up to find the dobe's face.

We were kissing...

I laid there shocked, while the dobe quickly got off of me.

Naruto's POV

I got off of the pale chick, and grabbed the shrimp by the collar, and did the most rational thing that came to mind.

I threw him out the window.

I dusted off my hands and walked back to the teme.

"Oi, princess. You alright?" I asked

She just laid there, staring at the ceiling. I picked her up, sat her at her desk, and left the classroom.

Time skip

Five hours. Five, fucking, hours. We sat there waiting for this bastard for five hours! I was laying down on top of one of the desks, shrimp was sitting there glaring at me, princess-teme was sitting in the corner mumbling to herself. I stood up, and walked to the chalk board. I picked up the eraser, and tossed it up and down, testing it's weight. As soon as I heard footsteps outside of the classroom, I chucked the eraser at the door. As if on cue, the door opened and in stepped a grey haired guy. The eraser slammes into his face, throwing chalk dust into the air.

Shrimp jumped up and started apologising, and yelling at me.

"My first impression, I hate you all. Especially you" he said pointing at me

"You're not the only one" I muttered

"Meet me on top of the roof" he said, before he poofed away


Once we were all gathered on top of the school, the gray haired mann, looked up from his book.

"Alright, now that we're all here. How about you all introduce yourselves" he said

"What do you want to know?" Asked shrimpy

"How about: your name, your likes and dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for the future. For example: My name is Kakashi, Hatake. I like somethings, I dislike other things. And as for my dream, I never really thought about it. Alright, shrimp your next.

'All we learned was his name' all three of us thought

"Why do you guys keep calling me shrimp?" He asked

"Your pink, and small. Therefore you're shrimp" I said

"Bastard" he mumbled

"My name is Haruno Sakuro, I like.." He glanced at teme.
"My hobbies are"
Glances at teme. She might want to file a restraining order.
"My dream for the future is..."
You guessed it, glances at teme. I might make the restraining order myself

"...okay, any dislikes?" Asks the grey haired man

"Ino-pig when she makes fun of my forehead, and NARUTO!" He shouts at the top of his lungs

"Don't worry the feeling is mutual" I said

"Alright, you're next gloomy"

"My name is Uchiha Satsuki, I like tomatoes, my family, and my older brother. I dislike, stalkers, ni-san when he makes fun of me, and annoying blondes. I like to train, read, and spend time with family. And my dream for the future, is to be able to beat ni-san in a sparring match"

"Alright, your up blondie"

"My name's Uzumaki Naruto, and that's all you need to know" I said

"Can you tell us more about yourself?" Asks grey

"If you won't trust us with your information, then why the hell should I trust you with mine" I replied

"At least tell us something" he ordered

"Alright, fine. My dream for the future, is to get strong enough that I can leave this shit-hole of a village"

Second chapter, good, bad, somewhere in between? Anyways, I decided to switch Sakura's and Sasuke's genders for the hell of it. Hope y'all enjoyed.


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