"Team" 7

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7 years later
Third Person POV

A classroom full of excited children sat in anticipation, waiting to learn who their teammates would be. Out of the whole class, only nine individuals stood out.

The first was a boy with messy pink hair. He had bright green eyes, and pale skin. He was short compared to other boys his age, with scrawny arms. He wore a red vest, baggy white pants, standard black shinobi sandals and his forehead protector was used as a headband to keep his unruly hair out of his eyes. His name was Haruno Sakuro

He was fawning over a pale skinned girl, with long black hair. She was trying her best to ignore the girly boy. Her name was Uchiha, Satsuki. (Dressed the same way as sasuke, looks like a mini Mikoto)

Next was a pale blonde girl, with long hair. Yamanaka, Ino. She was complaining about a chubby boy's loud chewing.

Said boy, was purposely chewing loud to annoy her. This was Akimichi, Choji.

Next to him was a sleeping boy, Nara, Shikamaru.

Two desks down from them, was a canine like boy, with a puppy on his head. Inuzuka, Kiba.

He was boasting loudly to a shy girl, with pale lavender eyes. This was Hyuuga, Hinata.

Next to the two of them was a boy dressed in a tan trench coat, and sunglasses. Aburame, Shino.

The last of the nine was a blonde, with spikey hair. He was tall for his age. He had peach colored skin, deep blue eyes, and six fine whisker like marks on his cheeks. He wore olive green cargo pants, a baggy  orange hoodie with a red swirl on the back, a pair of black shinobi sandals. He wore his forehead protector around his neck, and a pair of goggles on his forehead.

He was sleeping next to Sakuro and Satsuki, his head resting on his arms. He was a bit of a while card to the other students, he never really talked unless spoken to. The only exception being, the Nara, and Akimichi. He had good looks, but the air around him was always a bit tense, driving most of the female populace away from him. He was pretty clever, but always did the bare minimum to pass. No one could really know what he was thinking. So they just ignored him, and went about their life.

Finally their sensei had arrived. He got their attention (big head no jutsu) and began to drone on about the importance of upholding the honour of Konohagakure.

Naruto's apartment

"So, this is my student's home..." Said a grey haired man.

"This is the best we could get him, with the damn civilian council interference" said an old man in white robes

The grey haired man picked up a file with the picture of said student glaring at the camera, while giving it a lovely hand gesture. He began to flip through it.

"It says here, he hospitalized a full grown medical nin at age five. Put the demon cat out of it's misery at age 8. Hospitalized three genin when he was ten. Beat a chunin an inch from his life three days ago. And one shotted Ebisu, yesterday."

"He's an interesting boy. After having enough of the abuse from the villagers, he stopped taking it, and started giving back."

'Uzumaki Naruto, huh...' Thought the grey haired man.

Naruto's POV

Finally after Scar-face sensei, stopped talking about what it means to be an 'honourable' shinobi of Konoha, he started to list off the teams.

"Team 7: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakuro"- I slammed my head into the table, while the pink hair prick stared at me -" and Uchiha Satsuki" said Scar-sensei

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