Part 34

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I grabbed gift #1 and I looked over at Dallas who had a huge smile on his face. I reached in the box and felt something so I pulled it out. When I pulled it out I looked over at it and saw that it was a new drawing journal. I gasped and looked at it carefully. The new pages were bigger than my old one. "Oh my god Dallas," I said looking up at him. "Don't thank me yet. Once you find my other one you can thank me." I smiled and looked for gift #2 and saw Steve raise his hand. "I'm guessing this is from you Steve," I said with a huge smile on my face. He nodded as I looked inside and saw a small box inside. I reached in and opened it to reveal a beautiful pearl bracelet. "Steve, this is beautiful," I said picking it up and trying it on. Steve smiled and looked at Sodapop who smiled back at him. I opened the third not knowing who it was because I wanted to wait. There was another small box but instead of a necklace, there was matching pearl earrings.

I smiled and looked at them carefully as if they were diamonds. I loved wearing pearls because my grandma told me my mom adored them too. I feel like I'm with her when I wear pearls. "Thank you Sodapop, they're gorgeous," I said closing the box carefully. He smiled as I grabbed gift #4 and took a peek inside the bag.
I saw a light blue thing at the bottom so I reached in and pulled it out. It was a baby blue dress with a silk ribbon tied into a bow around the waist. It was absolutely beautiful and I instantly fell in love with it. I looked over at the boys and Darry raised his hand proudly. "Darry, this is so pretty oh my," I said tracing my hand along the dress. I knew I was going to be obsessed with this dress. I moved on to #5 and Two-Bit got up and yelled at me. "That's from me!" I smiled and shook my head as I opened it carefully and pulled out what he got me. It was a small wooden box but once I opened I realized what it was. It was music box and in the middle of it was a ballet dancer spinning around slowly. I admired it carefully listening to the music play and how graceful it sounded. "You like it?" He asked me and I quickly nodded and smiled at him. "I love it Two-Bit," I said.

Dallas gave me six and seven and before I touched them he raised his hand. "Six is from Cassidy and seven is from the Shepard's," he said. I took six and looked inside the bag and I gasped really loudly. I pulled out what was inside so the boys could see. She got me Ricky Nelson's second album vinyl which I wanted for so long. "Oh my god, I can't believe she got me this," I said looking at the cover. Cassidy is the best and I wish she could've come with us. I have to call her and thank her later for the gift. I took the other bag which felt pretty light so I looked inside. There was something in there and I knew what it was. I gasped and covered my mouth trying not to laugh. "Dallas, did you ask them what they got me?" I said double checking I saw correctly. "No, why would I ask?" I reached in the bag and carefully pulled it out. "I don't think they meant to give me rubbers, did they?" I said showing them the box of condoms.

The boys started to laugh and that made me laugh. Dallas snatched the box from me and opened it to see if there was anything hidden inside. "It's just rubbers isn't?" I said as Dallas shook his head and dropped the box on the floor. They spilled out and we laughed even more. I had to take a few minutes to catch my breath before opening the eighth present. I saw Ponyboy wink at me so I knew it was from him. I opened it and pulled out what was inside. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. "Ponyboy," I said with a shocked face but he only looked at me with a smile. "You remembered that?" He nodded as I looked back down at the present. He got me new coloring pencils for artists. I covered my face trying not to cry and I heard Ponyboy come towards me and put his arm around me. "If she's crying over this just wait for the next one," Dallas said. I hugged Ponyboy trying not to cry. "Thank you so much Ponyboy. I love this so much," I said looking at the box.

"Remember, I have to be the first one to get the colored drawing of the sunset." I smiled and kissed his cheek as Dallas handed me the last gift. "This is the last one from me," he said sitting beside me. I'm surprised he didn't go between me and Ponyboy. I grabbed the gift and I looked inside to find a box. I pulled it out and saw it was taped all over. Dallas smiled and grabbed my backpack and pulled out my blade. I cut the tape off carefully and opened the box. There was a bunch of crumbled up newspapers in the box and once I removed them I saw a small thing in the middle. The second I realized what it was I started to cry. Dallas put his arm around me and kissed my temple. "Don't cry doll, you deserve it," he said rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

A Teenagers Romance/Ponyboy Curtis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now