Part 5

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We took a whole row of seats and sat down. This time Dally didn't sit next to me so I sat next to Ponyboy and Sodapop. Dally wanted to talk to Steve and Two-Bit so Sodapop sat on my left and Pony on my right. "I've never seen this movie," I told Ponyboy. "Neither have I but I heard it's a really good movie." I heard guys laughing on the other side and I turned to see guys in expensive clothing that I've seen boys in my school wear. There were girls also wearing really pretty clothes and they were with the guys. Some were hugging, others were making out, and I saw couples run off to get in a car. "I think I get why they called it passion pit," Sodapop whispered to us. The three of us laughed and I saw a guy put his arm around a girl but she pushed him away. He kept trying to touch her though. "I hate guys like that. She obviously doesn't want him. Yet they keep being annoying." Ponyboy looked at one of the girls and shook his head. "I don't like guys like that either. But there are also girls like that too.  And they're both just terrible." I nodded and looked over at the crowd of people. I realized I was getting looks from a couple of people waking by so I leaned back in my seat and tried to ignore them. Then a few people sat in from of us. Two girls and a guy sat in front of us. The guy was holding hands with one of the girls but the other girl was just sitting next to her. I saw Dally lean closer to her and then say something to Two-Bit. Then he scooted closer and the girl turned. "What's a chick like you doing alone?" He asked her. The other girl let go of her boyfriends hand and turned towards Dallas. "She's taken so leave her alone! Her boyfriend is on his way!" Dallas only smiled at her and shook his head. "I'm sorry doll face I wasn't talking to you." Oh my god! Is he kidding me? "Dally cut it out!" I scolded glaring at him. He looked at me and just shook his head and proceeded to talk to her. "Dally stop," I said. The boys looked at me in surprise as if I was a crazy for doing this. "Or what Kate?" I pointed and scowled at him. "Do you really want to start something right now?" A few people started to shush us but I wasn't going to stop until he stopped. "Since when are you such a wise ass? Just calm down." I was about to get out my seat until Pony put his hand on my shoulder. "Just leave him. He'll get bored after a while of trying," Pony suggested. I didn't want to stop and just let that happen in front of me. This happened to me a lot in New York and no one stood up for me. I'm not going to be like those people. "Where are the bathrooms in case I lose my mind?" I asked Ponyboy. He smiled and pointed to the snacks building. "They're behind that building just in case you need it." Great, I now have a secret hideaway. But I just need to try to relax. I leaned back in my chair hoping Dally would finish. Until he said something that hit me hard. "Come on I just want one date. That's it," he said. That's when I fully snapped. I shot up knocking my chair back startling the gang. I threw my backpack at Dally and walked away. "Hey where the hell are you going?" Dally yelled at me but I just ignored him and headed towards the restrooms that were behind the snacks building. But I wasn't going in the bathroom I just needed to cool down a little. I leaned against the wall and pulled out a lollipop I had in my pocket. Why didn't he just stop? I hate him so much right now. I took my lollipop out as someone walked out of the bathroom. Two guys instantly looked at me and we met eyes. I looked away and put my lollipop back in my mouth. Suddenly in my flannel shirt I felt cold and I got chills all over my body. I brushed my gray skirt down as I heard them whisper to each other. Then one of the boys quietly whistles at me. I secretly rolled my eyes and looked over at them. "You got my attention. What do you want?" I answered taking out my lollipop. There was a guy with blonde hair and the other had black hair and they were in jean jackets. Now I wish I had my jean jacket. "Uh your number?" The blondie said. Alright fake one it is then. "I don't have a pen or paper," I replied putting my lollipop back. Then the guy with the black hair pulled a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket. "I always come prepared to see some foxes like you." He winked as he handed me the pen and the paper. I took the paper and wrote down my old phone number on the paper. Then I crushed up the paper and threw it on the floor. "Here's your pen," I said handing it back. The blonde guy picked up the piece of paper as the other guy took his pen back. "Is this fake?" He asked me. I shook my head and leaned against the wall. "Look chick you better not be lying to me. You don't know what I'm capable of so if you want to play with me you better think twice before-," but before he could finish another guy cut him off. "Hey why don't you leave her alone guys?" I turn to see a tall guy with curly hair. He was dressed in a button up shirt and khaki pants. He looked like he just went to someone's wedding so I'm guessing he's a Soc. "We're just trying to get her number Randy it's no big deal." I froze in place and almost dropped my lollipop. That's the leader of the Socs that Dally told me about. "Isn't that what you got in your hand?" The guys looked at the paper and then glared at me almost as if about to punch me. He saw my reaction so he waved at the guys and they walked off. "I'm sorry about that," he said. Oh my god I'm with the leader of the Socs. "Thanks for making them leave," I said almost too quietly. "Don't believe I've seen you around before. What's your name?" He said fixing his collar. "Kate, and don't even try flirting with me please I've had enough of that today." He laughed and leaned against the wall next to me but kept his distance. I respected that and I hoped he'd stay there. "Well Kate I'm Randy, leader of the Socs. I'm guessing you've heard of us since you are one. Right?" I looked at him confused until I realized what he just said. He thinks I'm a Soc! This might be good for me to spy on them and help the gang so I nodded my head and smiled. "Everyone thinks I'm a Greaser because they see me hanging out with them. But I'm just trying to get information on them." He looked at me in shock. "You know we could use a spy," he replied. I smiled and shook my head. "I said information for me, not for the Socs. I'm sorry," I said. He cocked his head to the side and smiled at me. "Is there anyway I can change your mind?" He said in a flirty voice. "I told you not to flirt with me," I snapped. He raised his hands in the air. "You started it chick. Tell you what I'll see you around but think about what I said. I come around here often in a blue car. I hope you change your mind." That's all he said before he walked off and then I was alone again. I decided to head back but as soon as I turned the corner someone ran into me and literally ran into me. We both fell back and I looked up to see Ponyboy. "Well someone's in a hurry," I croaked. He quickly got off me and helped me up. "I'm so sorry but Dally told me to run and see if you were ok. He saw a couple of Socs walk away from here and got worried." Wow how sweet of him. If only he didn't get me so mad. "I'm fine let's just go back," I said. We both walked back and I saw Dally storm up to me. "Where the hell were you?" He asked me. "It's called lady problems Dally," I barked back. He looked at me almost hurt and I almost laughed at his face. They all looked so uncomfortable that it just made me smile. "Let's go home," I said. I thought it was an overall great night until we all went to bed. That's when it went bad.

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