I smiled, as long as they were both happy that's all that matters.

"Knock knock," I said as I entered Calum's room. He was sat on his bed looking at something on his phone, he looked sad. "Is everything okay?" I frowned.

He locked his phone and sighed, "yeah, something came up on my memories that I wasn't expecting to see, just threw me a bit." 

I sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. "Was it Sophie?" I asked softly. He nodded, "can I see a picture of her?" I found myself asking. I wish I hadn't but curiosity got the better of me.

He unlocked his phone and showed me the picture he had just seen, she was beautiful. I could also see how he thought we looked alike, long brunette hair and dark coloured eyes. He definitely had a type. In the picture Sophie was smiling straight towards the camera, she was dressed in what looked like a dance costume and was holding a trophy.

"She's stunning. Was she a dancer?" I asked.

"Yeah this was the first competition she won. She was 16 here, she was so happy." He said, his voice shaky.

I grabbed his hand, "I can't imagine what it's like to not only lose your girl friend but your best friend too." I squeezed his hand and he squeezed it back.

"Thank you for being so understanding." He grabbed my chin and pulled it towards him, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Let's go to bed." 

We crawled into his king sized bed and Calum turned on the TV. He pulled off his shirt and leaned back, he lifted his arm gesturing for me to cuddle up to him. I gladly accepted, I scooted over to him and slowly leant against his cool, smooth chest. I placed my arm carefully on his stomach and he kissed my head.

"What do you fancy watching?" He asked.

"How about Dear John?" I asked, it was one of my favourite films.

"Sure, I love that movie." He said switching it on. I grinned to myself at our similarity.

Falling asleep that night, there was something about it that made it so perfect. I'd never slept in the same bed as a boy before. I don't count the time I slept here before because I was on top of the covers, fully dressed with Calum under the covers next to me. But this time, the way our skin touched and how our breathing fell in sync, it was perfect. And something I could definitely get used to.


"Ugh why won't my eyeliner go right!" I shouted in frustration. I was currently sat on the floor in the front of the thin mirror on Cal's closet door. 

Today was already going so wrong. The lighting in this room is terrible so I've probably put on too much bronzer and I'm gonna go outside and look like a fucking orange. I can't get my eyeliner to match and to make things even better, I dropped my phone, it hit the edge of the bed and smashed the screen.

I let out a cry and flung the eyeliner across the room, putting my head in my hands.

"Hey what's up?" Calum asked strolling into his room.

"Everything." I snapped.

"Hey, hey, hey. Everything's going to be fine." He said, sitting on the floor next to me, his legs crossed.

"I'm just stressed, everything has to be perfect, they have got to like me at this meeting. And my makeups gone all wrong an--"

"Sophia, you have nothing to worry about. Just be yourself and I guarantee they'll love you. And by the way, your makeup looks beautiful." He pulled me into a side hug and I smiled sheepishly. He began to stand up, "I made you some breakfast for when you're ready. We'll leave in twenty." He smiled and left me alone.

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