Interlude 3: Answers too Late

Start from the beginning

"I am aware. However, seeing as you can't catch me, you can't very well follow through on that threat now can you?"

The reply comes just seconds later.

"Now that you have left Brockton Bay, you are much easier to find."

So it's gonna be like that is it? This is almost definitely a cape. No non-parahuman PRT official would be confident enough to challenge a known parahuman mercenary. So, it's a cape that works with the PRT, so a hero, and one that is not stationed in Brockton Bay.

Not only that, but this person is likely a very good hacker or has access to security cameras and other means of tracking people's movements. Maybe a Thinker or a Tinker. They're pretty good at those.

"Are you sure about that? I've been avoiding people for years. What makes you think you can do any better?"

I don't really care about that. I know that I'm easier to track now. But, I want to challenge them and see if they give me a hint on who I'm talking to. Apparently...I'm talking to one of the best.

"This is Dragon of the Guild. Tell me what you know about her and why you are looking for her."

Holy fucking shit. I was not expecting it to be Dragon. I holler "Faultline!" I'm not scared. But if I'm talking to perhaps the best Tinker in North America, I think Faultline ought to know. While I wait, I think over what Dragon said. This picture of Rochelle looks enough like a person of interest in a PRT investigation to merit Dragon contacting me about her.

"Oh, by the way, I've seized control of the camera and microphone."

The synthetic sounding voice comes through fairly clearly over my laptop's speakers. I growl and call out "Mask Faultline! Dragon has my computer! Apparently!"

"I take no pleasure in screwing with you, but you have info I want."

I glare at my computer. She probably won't reveal my identity to the world, but I still don't like the idea of her knowing my life's story. Still, I suppose I have the rare opportunity here to converse with the best.

"So, is it safe to assume you're running facial recognition?" I chance, not even bothering with email now that she turned my laptop into a phone.

"In the background. Then I'll know exactly who I'm dealing with. In the meantime, let's read over your cape file."

She is fucking filibustering. I do not have the patience for that. "Let's not. -"

"But it's interesting, and might have something to convince you to answer my questions."

I decide to ignore the fact that she interrupted me. "Why can't we just skip right to the part where you tell me why?" I ask, trying not to sound petulant.

"Why what?"

I glare at the screen. Her voice is so sarcastic when she eventually speaks. It reminds me a bit too much of Shamrock.

"Oh gosh. I've been so rude. I've been watching you, but you can't see me."

Next, my computer opens up something like a Skype call, showing a woman with dark hair and racially ambiguous skin.


I continue to glare at her before sighing. "Why do you care so much about this? Don't you have more important things to do than bother me?"

"Yes, but I'm also very good at multitasking sooo...yes but I can do both."

Great. "Here's the thing, I don't care if you find out who I am. What I want to know, is why you care so much about the girl. Care to share?"

"She's a person of interest-"

Not this again. Now it's my turn to interrupt her. "I got that. Not specific enough."

"She's not wanted for any crimes. Does that help?"

"No." Only sorta true. If it is Rochelle, then I'm glad to know she's not a criminal.

"Well, without knowing why you're after her, I can't very well tell you why I'm interested."

"Then I propose a trade. We trade data points. You tell me who she is to you, and what you know about her. Then, I'll do the same. Sound fair?" She hums in thought, considering my offer. I'm going out on a limb with this deal. It'll require me to tell her my goals.

"What assurance do I have that you'll keep your word?"

Damn. It's true. She has no reason to trust my word. This is a stupid idea but if I'm gonna get her trust, I'll need to offer her something she can't get on her own. Information that's not on any files.

"I have a secondary power that isn't listed on my PRT file. I don't need to see it to know it's not there. Agree to my deal, and I'll start by telling you what it is." That got her attention. I hold up a finger "But, that data isn't added to my Parahumans online page. Just the PRT file." She smiles.

"Sounds fair. I accept."

Thank god. I sigh. "It's a Trump power." I never said I'd give her a lot of information. She frowns a little but nods.

"Very well. Her name is Aeon. She's a precog who has been seen warning people of Endbringer attacks since Behemoth in 2003."

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that. I sigh, knowing that I am giving her the key information here. "This is a rendering of Rochelle Frost. She went missing in 1995." It's silent for several moments before she speaks again.

"In that case. She's more than a precog, she seems to also be a Mover. It appears to be teleportation with some limitations."

I was not expecting her to tell me more. Does she expect me to tell her something in return? "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because Sergeant Frost, you deserve to know where your daughter is."

Welp, saw that coming. Sort of. Her knowing who I am? Only a matter of time. That last part though makes my blood freeze. I swallow. "You haven't actually told me that yet." I point out, hoping she'll answer my silent question.

"Massachusetts. A town you and your team are very familiar with."

Fucking hell. I can't help but facepalm and groan. Of course I would find out when I'm on the far end of the country and she's stuck with the Slaughterhouse Nine!

"If you want, I could put you in contact with her team leader."

That's right. Aeon was there, at the meeting with Vigilant...and she has the same tattoo as the Case 53s. I need to talk to Shamrock. As nice as contact information would be, Shatterbird has sung and broke just about every electronic in Brockton Bay.

I look at Dragon "No thank you." I grin and close the laptop, not letting her reply. I stand and stride out of the room. Faultline is against the wall. I look at her "How much did you hear?" She shrugs "Some of it. Fill me in." I nod and tell her what happened while I look for Shamrock.


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