Ch 10: Warning of Namazu

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The date is Friday, May 13, 2011. The time is 4:53PM. I stride into the PRT headquarters just as dozens of office workers are heading for the door. I stride towards the elevators through the crowd. A few people call out to me, but I know that if I stop they'll just escort me out or delay me.

I pick up my pace, reaching the elevator just as the doors open to reveal a tall man in blue and white power armor carrying a halberd (Armsmaster) and a woman in green wearing American flag scarves on her waist and lower half of her face carrying a sawn-off shotgun (Miss Militia).

Just as I'd hoped, they're both here. That increases the possibility that they'll believe me by 12.74%. Miss Militia's eyes widen as she spots me. Armsmaster abruptly stops and almost stumbles in his attempt to not run into me. They stare at me in silence for a few moments.

They share a few glances between each other before I see Armsmaster's mouth open "Can we help you?" I shake my head "No. I am here to help you." They exchange another glance and I continue. "The Endbringer known as Leviathan will attack this coming Sunday, the 15th."

They stare at me, the shock clearly visible on Miss Militia's face since I can see her eyes. "Wha- who-how-...Huh?" Undignified but I expected this reaction from Armsmaster. There was only a 34.73% chance that he'd say anything more intelligent than that.

It's not his fault. It's just a sign that his brain works faster than his body. Regardless, I must drive home my point. "Would you like me to repeat myself Armsmaster?" His mouth opens and closes a few times before he answers, almost in a whimper "Yes please."

I nod "The Endbringer known as Leviathan will attack this coming Sunday, the 15th." "And how exactly do you know that Miss?" A somewhat large woman in a suit asks, her voice curling up at the end, asking for my name as well as my explanation.

Oh dear. I'd hoped this wouldn't happen since this was one of the less likely scenarios. Now they definitely won't believe me. My best bet is to try to convince the heroes in front of me that I am being honest and hope that it's enough. Here goes everything.

"How I know does not matter. Nor does my name. All you need know, Director Piggot, is that Leviathan will be here between 24 and 48 hours from now." The director narrows her eyes at me, not even trying to hide her suspicions. I don't think I like her.

"Then why should we believe you? You could just be trying to incite panic and make us use up resources unnecessarily." I shrug "Then don't. Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter to me." With that, I turn around to leave the PRT. I hear Miss Militia yell at me.

"Hey! Wait! Hold on!" I look back "See you later Miss Militia, Armsmaster." With that, I focus on the door, forcing my time to speed up slightly so I am there in a fraction of a second. I hear someone yell "What the shit?!" Who it is is irrelevant. I continue until I am certain there is no chance of finding me.

I sigh. If they don't hit the switch and turn on that siren by the end of the day...a lot of people are going to die. I watch the sunset and wait patiently through the night. I wait...and wait...and wait. The silence persists, peaceful and undisturbed. If not for the charged tension in the air, it'd be peaceful.

I do not move until the sun creeps over the horizon once again, signalling the dawn of a new day. That's disappointing. Oh well. At least the thought is in his head now. I guess I'll just have to attend their meeting on Sunday. Maybe then they won't question my predictions.

Today is Sunday, May 15, 2011. The time? 6:52 AM. The Endbringer siren's wail pierces the previously tranquil streets of Brockton Bay. Policemen and police cars set up barricades on the street and guide the masses towards the shelters created for just such an emergency.

All the Time to Lose (Wormverse)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon