Before more could be said, everyone in the hall noticed the headmaster stand and the noise of the room died down almost immediately. The only thing left was the howling of the wind and the occasional thunder from outside the castle walls. Lightning would flashed across the charmed ceiling, the blueish light glittered off the gold serving platters reminding Peter of an arc reactor's glow.

The old wizard started to speak and there was a playfulness to his tone that Peter found interesting. He talked of a few items that someone named Mr. Filch, had added to the list of forbidden objects. All that was named was nothing that Peter had brought, but he noted to check out the full list when he could, even if looking through 437 items sounded boring... maybe he'll just skim it.

He then said that the nearby forest was out of bounds to students as well as the nearby town for those below third year.

The forest was what peaked his interest, if he could manage it, it would be a great place to stretch his legs when he he missed swinging and jumping from buildings and rooftops. He even brought his web shooters with extra refills, just in case he found the opportunity to use them, even if he doubted it would be often.

The next bit of information caught him off guard, and also was a huge damper on the year. The schools inter-house Quidditch Cup was cancelled. It seemed like everyone else in the hall had the same thoughts as him. There were mumbles and quiet protests, looking over at the Gryffindor table at the far end of the hall he could see Fred and George with their mouths open in shock.

It seemed there was something else planned for the year, but before the headmaster could name it, a loud rumble of thunder followed by the doors of the Great Hall being slammed opened interrupted him.

Peter immediately got a shiver down his spine from his spidey sense, he quickly turned his head to see who opened the door as he subtly prepared for an attack. Everyone else seemed to look that way as well.

They were all met with a man who stood in a black traveling cloak, he pulled the hood off to reveal grizzled dark gray hair and a strapped on eye that darted every witch way before walking towards the teachers table up front. He used a tall staff as a walking cane, the dull clunks produced from it echoed through the hall with every other step.

Seeming to not be an immediate threat, Peter relaxed, but only slightly. He trusted his spidey sense with his life, he wasn't about to doubt it now. There was definitely something bad about this man.

He walked up to the podium the headmaster stood at, before reaching out a hand to the older wizard. The headmaster shook it and they spoke a few words between each other that not even Peter's sensitive hearing could pick up.

After a moment, the headmaster spoke up, "May I introduce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," he motioned to the man with a smile, "Professor Moody."

Peter assumed that they were supposed to be clapping for the announcement, since the Headmaster and Hagrid put their hand together but everyone else seemed just as transfixed by the man to even make a move.

Another moment passed before the Headmaster spoke again, Professor Moody took the opportunity to steal a swig from his hip flask.

"Right! As I was saying," the Headmaster continued, "We have the honor of hosting a very exciting event this year, one which has not been held for over a century. I am pleased to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be hosted at Hogwarts this year."

"You're JOKING!" exclaimed Fred loudly, the first to break the silence Moody induced. Soon the whole room erupted with chatter.

He had no idea what the Triwizard Tournament was but the way the room buzzed with excitement Peter couldn't help feel the same about it. He decided to push the warnings about Moody aside for right now, not that he could do anything to investigate it anyways. That would have to wait for later.

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