Chapter 9 - Sol

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"No, it's not! The other was about Sol. This one's completely different. I mean, it does make them sole-mate Sol-mate soulmates, but it's a completely different joke."  

(This chapter of Sol's would take place in the middle of book 1 [Colorweaver].)

Sol shoved the pile of half-finished toothpick sculptures aside until there was a big, empty space on his worktable perfect for his Plan. It was a great plan. He fixed performers' props all the time and there was no way he could mess this up. There was only one problem: he didn't have the prop yet. It wouldn't be a secret anymore if he went and got it because everyone would wonder what he was doing in Blythe's house. Well, Blythe's and Dray's and Adair's house, since they both lived in her wagon now, too. Every day Sol asked Adair to move in with him because that would be like a sleepover all the time, but Adair kept saying no, saying that Blythe's wagon had a bigger pantry and space for the easel she'd bought him. It wasn't fair, Sol should rank above food and art supplies. Maybe if he built a really smarfy thing that was part bed, part studio, part kitchen, Adair would move in.

Adair! That was the perfect way to get the prop! Adair could pretend to grab his paint or something, then sneak out with it when he left. Maybe it wasn't so bad that he lived over there.

"Hey, buddy? Do you know where Dray keeps their props? Can you get me their staff?" 

A few feet away Adair was doing his best oversized magpie impression in the very well-enforced nest that was Sol's bed. Much like Sol had done to the desk, Adair had pushed Sol's collection of metallic odds and ends and broken pieces of appliances to the side. Sol craned his neck to see what he was drawing in his sketchbook, but Adair closed it and set it on top of the nest-pile before he could get a good look. "Yeah, I guess. Why?" 

Sol tugged the sculpture of Adair's cat free from his arm and put the lid on the glue jar before grinning at Adair. "I'm gonna fix it up for them. Dray's gonna love it!" 

Adair shrugged and headed out the door while Sol went into planning mode. The staff had looked a little dingy and scratched up when Dray danced with it last night. That would have been almost acceptable for a tinkerer like Sol-- until he saw the struggle Dray had separating the pieces to take it apart. It was then that Sol had his brilliant Plan. He'd take Dray's beat up old staff and fix it up so that it was like new. Better than new! He wasn't the carnival troupe's resident inventor for nothing! 

Plus Dray seemed so gloomy and sad that Sol wanted to do something to cheer them up. He'd wanted to meet Blythe's sibling ever since he learned she had one because Sol's own sibling was great so that must mean that Blythe's was, too. And then he met Dray. Maybe Dray was great, somewhere under all the cynicism and frowns, but they kept to themself and didn't really talk to Sol or anyone. Okay, Etri was like that, too, but that was just because he was shy and Blythe had never said anything about Dray being shy. What Dray needed was something to make them feel welcome and Sol knew he was the one who could do it, especially with Adair here to help. 

How had he gotten by before Adair sleepwalked into the carnival? Adair didn't mind holding down things Sol was hammering or grabbing stuff Sol forgot to have ready or taking emergency midnight trips into the city with him to dive through dumpsters. Sometimes his drawings even gave Sol ideas. And since Adair wasn't here to use it right now, now would be the perfect time to go through his sketchbook! Sol flopped onto the bed and grabbed the book. For a moment the nest teetered, but when only a few pieces of scrap metal clattered to the floor, Sol made himself comfortable and started flipping through the pages. A sketch of a bullfrog, this one probably won't be helpful... detailed study of a paintbrush tip, no, not this one either... a rough drawing of Dray dancing? Maybe this one would be... 

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