"Talk about what?" Said the first grunt.

The second snickered. "There's something amiss there. I heard that they know something's up, so we have to bring them in with the gym leader. Plus the male has the technical expertise we need to keep going. The tech could be so much better at this point." 

A third party said, "Shut up, we're supposed to ambushing. They're going to wake up with you fools babbling."

As they walked off, Wes took a deep breath. Cynthia knew that they were coming, right? Within his mind he relayed the conversation back to her so she knew they were there. She sent him a reassuring vibe, but he was worried. How could the champion possibly be working with Team Galactic?

He had no clue what to believe anymore.

As him and Byron hustled out of the building, Wes wondered how Cynthia was doing. She was the champion though, so he knew that she could handle herself.

The two of them finally found themselves outside when the air duct made a sharp turn down and straight above the ground. Wes lowered himself by sliding down the two sides, and had his Espeon psychically stop him and Byron the moment before the collision. The two of them snuck out into the city crouched along walls and fences, looking at all the grunts marching around everywhere.

All they had to do was find the sailor and sail off, preferably to Fullmoon Island. Why they arrived though, at the the Sailor's House, there was a Galactic Grunt guarding the door. Wes checked the materials he had on him. He still had that engineering book, a few zip ties, the secure-line cell phone that he built, and his Pokémon. That was not much to work with, but he sent his Espeon out.

At the sight of his Espeon meandering around the street, the grunt got distracted. Wes sent Byron in ahead of him to explain the situation, and Wes went after the grunt. One of the nice things about being on Hoenn's seal team, meant that Wes knew martial arts. Sneaking up behind the grunt, Wes did a side sweep and knocked the man down. After that, he took his elbow and hit him in the head before he could get up again. Then, he took two zip ties and tied them around his feet to prevent the man from moving

The sailor from before stepped out of the house with his family. "Iron Island?"

"No," Wes responded. "Too much of a chance that there's grunts on the island as well, let's head to Fullmoon Island."

And so they did. They headed for the harbor, where Wes knocked out a steady stream of Team Galactic Grunts. The boat took off and they were away. As Wes sat there he could barely sit still. He could feel Cynthia's struggling from where he was sitting which made him want to go back her up in battle, but he had to sit still.

That was until he felt an unnerving presence at Fullmoon Island.

While the boat sped on Wes hopped on and rolled onto the island as they passed the coast. He ran for the forest, being drawn in with no sense of control.

It was there he found a Cresselia which looked at him with a smile and said, "We need to talk."


Cynthia took a deep breath as she heard the legions of Galactic Grunts ascend to her level of the the gym. They were coming, and she was ready with her Garchomp beside her. She knew her plan. She had to fight until they were all up there. Taking a deep breath, she sensed Wes on his way out and prepared to fight.

"Are you ready Garchomp?" she asked the dragon Pokémon.

She nodded and Cynthia took a deep breath. "Go hide until I signal you."

"Togekiss, Lucario! Let's battle!" She cried.

Then, came a legion of grunts who surrounded her on every side. She prepared herself for their onslaught. She took a deep breath and got into fighting position. Her palms lit with a fiery blue aura projection.

"So boys," she said, "are you going to fight me or not?"

The legions of grunts ran for her, tossing Pokéballs everywhere. Cynthia smiled and shouted commands at her Lucario. Then she looked at her togekiss who gave her a tailwind as she launched a flying kick at one of the grunts. Out of the corner of her eye she was aware of more grunts flowing in.

An army of Golbat surrounded her as attempted to call out commands. Cynthia simply screamed out a war cry, her aura flared, and let out a war cry. Something broke in her, an anger, a darkness, as she looked at those attacking the gym. She felt a calling of information from Wes and nodded. There were more downstairs.

"Lucario! ExtremeSpeed! Togekiss! Waterpulse!"

The commands just came out of her mouth. Behind her, a grunt tried to take her into a hold, but she took a step back and threw him over her shoulder, burning his hands with the aura shield she had created. It was then that she pulled out her Milotic who wrapped around her like a shield.

"Milotic! Dragon pulse!" Cynthia called.

The grunts were still filing in. Cynthia was going to get overpowered soon. She could hold her own, but 250 people were too many. She couldn't hold much longer. She had to start preparing for the solution. Wes and Byron were out.

"Lucario! Aura Sphere! Togekiss, create a strong gale in this room! Milotic! Ice beam, everywhere! Let's go!"

Lucario shot spheres of blue everywhere while Togekiss kept the grunts down. Milotic covered everything in ice just as Cynthia said. She watched the last few stragglers come up. To her Milotic she smirked.

"Seal the entrance, Milotic," Cynthia whispered.

The ice beam sealed everything.

"ExtremeSpeed once again, Lucario, take out the Golbat," she screamed. "Togekiss, now's the time. You know what to do. Aura Sphere!" "

With incredible speed, every last Golbat was grounded. Togekiss came and picked Cynthia up so she was flying. The champion withdrew every one of her Pokémon except for Garchomp. And then she began.


Her Garchomp entered the center of the building and shook everything. The damage that Cynthia had done to the steel supports began to amplify, and then the entire floor fell through, the grunts and their Pokémon going with it. She heard the screams of agony as she blasted a hole in the ceiling and escaped with all of her Pokémon.

Now it was time to take care of the last grunts in the city and find Wes.

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