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Hi! If your read the latest update on "Solution", you would already know why I'm abit late on posting. Anyways, Enjoy! uwu

Mark looked at the other,confused. "What do you mean?" Mark asked as he sat closer to the edge of his seat. "Like I mean, we have made out together, gone on a date sort of thing so what are we considered to each other now?" Jaemin explained. "I want you to be 127% (hehe) honest with your reply.l cause I've been thinking about it yesterday night when I was washing up his morning," The latter continued. "Well, I wouldn't say we are dating. But neither can I say that we are just close friends," Mark said a she looked down at his lap, a shade of pink creeping up his cheeks. "I g-guess I would consider us special friends? And maybe if we sort this whole thing out, we maybe can be together," Mark continued as he looked at Jaemin right in the eyes. Jaemin hummed as he excused himself and went to the toilet to think. (That way he could have privacy while thinking) He closed the lid of the toilet bowl and sat on it. He said we are neither friends nor lovers but special friends and we have a chance of dating?! I wasn't expecting that shit at all. Did I finally like convince him to love me? Jaemin thought to himself. Jaemin continued thinking for about 5 more minutes before washing his hands (to make Mark think he actually went to the toilet) and exiting the toilet. "So, what you want to do now?" Mark asked as he saw the younger appear. "I don't know; maybe watch another movie of something?" The other replied. "Oooo I have a motherfcking Greta idea!" Mark suddenly shouted as he grinned proudly at the shaken Jaemin. "MARK LEE CAN YOU STOP BEING SO SUDDEN?!" Jaemin shouted at him as he looked up with a slightly annoyed and playful angry face. "Not my problem bitch. Anyways, how about we learn dances from different groups since we both are in the dancing programme," Mark continued as he ones the TV and accessed YouTube. Jaemin just agreed for he kinda liked the sound of the idea as well. Soon, the two were having a blast learning different dance moves from different famous groups.

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