•Chapter 1•

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Black Hat's POV
I admited him sleeping on the desk. He was so cute... He was too cute. And it wasn't the first time I thought like that. I caught myself with thinking about him all the time. Every day and every night. Every minute, every second. I was so angry he made me feel like that. Shit, I think about him again!!! No, this is not love. Sure I do not love him. And I never will. I'm not a gay, it's truth. ... Right?
I sighted, gently taking his sexy - *COUGH* peacefull body, and caring him to my bed. I heard he mumbled something in sleep and god was it cute...
Stop! He is not cute!!!.. Or he does..?
I sighted. I looked at him and I couldn't took my eyes away...

...He's perfect.

What?! What did I say?!
I rubbed my eyes and wanted to left the room without big enthusiasm, but when Flug mumbled something quietly and turned around in my bed, I stopped immediately.
Why he makes feel like that?
....He will never love me.
What the fuck am I feel?
... I'm a monster.
What do all these human feelings mean?
...I fuckin not deserve him.
I admited his paper bag was showing his lips. And I couldn't resist them. Small, but so sweetly pink, soft, I imagined how it would be to press these lips with mine..
What?!?! WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I felt something strange. Something so amazing and so weird. And it was in my pants...
"Y-yes sir... "
"O-of course sir... "
"I-I'll do that sir... "
... That cute little scientist was perfect from his stutter to his sweet and thin waist.
I felt a butterflies in my stomach when I heard his peaceful breathing.
A few hours later I saw he was about to wake, so I left the room. Yes. Yes, I was looking at him all this time, and I enjoyed every second of it...
Dr. Flug's POV
I worked on my latest invention for Black Hat. No sleep, no eat, just work. That is what my life was. And I thought it will never be another variant. But suddenly I realized that it was. There's always an exit, no matter what problem do you have. So I decided to put an end to this hell. I took a knife from a kitchen table, and right when I was about to cut myself I felt someone's big hand on mine and surprisenly soft but scared voice : "Flug, what are you doing?! "
"Sir! Lemme go!! "
"The hell what are you doing?!?!"
I cried but couldn't resist him, because he grabbed me too tight. Suddenly I felt a drool coming to my mouth. Yeah, right. The best time to be aroused. Aroused because of my boss, because I'm in love with the person I hate. He's too hot. He's too gorgeous. He's too perfect. For me.
"Flug what's wrong? "
He asked, blushing. He blushed. The most evil creature now blushed.
"Sir, just let me finish what I started. It is the worst thing that I have ever done. I started to work for you. And now I have nothing to do in this world. I can't continue to live like this anymore."
Black Hat's POV
I was more than just confused. I was scared. I was scared he could kill himself at every moment, and God, all I ever was to him was an asshole, I never cared about my doctor, I never interested about his life, I never asked if he was healthy, I...
I felt tears loaded my eyes.
My heart pumped in an insane tempo, and I couldn't find the way to help my scientist, I only felt sadness that was eating me from inside..
"S-sir.. Y-you too?.."
I shuddered.
"What do you mean?"
"S-sir..I.. Eh.. N-never mind.. "
What did he wanted to say? I was really curious because of that, but I think, it wasn't the best time to ask him. So I just let him go. He ran away, crying. I wanted to kill myself and rip all my guts away and... And kiss him. The urge to kiss him got bigger and bigger. And I hated it. How the stupid human made me fell the way I did?
I used my powers to teleport myself to his room. I was a little bit nervous that I hitted his privacy, 'cause he squeaked from my sudden appearance; I shushed him and quickly cured the cuts on his hands with magic, it seemed like he cutted himself a few days ago, so it was easy to do what I wanted. He whimpered a little, but didn't even tried to resist. I greased his cuts with an ointment.
"Here. It will help you."
He sighted heavily. "Thank you sir."
He said it so sadly, maybe still having little drops on his cheeks. I reached to them slowly, fear of not to scare him, and wiped his tears off. I touched his soft tense skin under his bag.
Dr. Flug's POV
I never felt so horny in my life. I whimpered a little, hiding the moans that obviously wanted to escape from my mouth, but I holded them for as long as I could. Suddenly he started to take my T-shirt off. I blushed insanely, and asked:
"Sir, w-what are you doing?.. "
"I have to check if you have been injured there too. " he replied.
He touched my torso, again and again, so gently, so carefully, I couldn't help but finally escape a little moan from my mouth..
BH blushed too, fortunately there were many scars, so he petted my stomach and back more.. What?! The fuck why I like it?!
"This is so wrong.." I thought to myself.
*author's POV
Well, who knew zero sexual contact would make Flug's body feel so damn needy?.. There was no other way in the Earth he would not like what BH now did, only thinking about one thing: not to throw himself on this hot little boy and fuck him till he loses his consciousness.
When BH finally was done, he tried to took Dr. Flug's bag off.
"S-sir, no! Please, don't look at me! "
Black Hat rose his eyebrow up.
"Why, Flug? " he asked.
"I d-don't like h-how I look.. " the scientist replied. BH didn't want to listen any answers, his curiosity was too large, he craved to see his doctor's face.. So without hearing any Flug's desperate pleases, he took that paper bag off his head, and..
He saw a cute little eyes, colored dark, chocolate brown, and as chocolate as eyes, sweet, a little silky hair. And of course, sweet, small, soft, warm, so fucking hot omg damn lips... He also had a scar on his left cheek, "so this is what I felt, rubbing his cheek, uh. And I thought what it was." he thought. BH almost felt his scientist weak breathing.
"F-flug.." he said quietly.
"I..I warned you, sir.. I know my face is awful.. " he cried, but Black Hat shushed him.
"You are gorgeous, Flug" he said from all the sudden.
"W-what? " Flug didn't believe his ears.
So, without much knowing what exactly he was saying, the demon repeated, now clearly, with more passion, even lust in his words, "you are gorgeous, Flug."
Black Hat reached to the doctor's cheek, rubbing his scars.
"Who did this? "
"Y-you, sir... "
Black Hat shuddered in fear. How could he hurt his sweet little human?!
He stood up, sighting, and walking away with "rest today, doctor"..
Black Hat's phylosophy*
I was walking in my room, thinking about what just happened with us. Oh. My. God. I felt it. I felt these stupid human feelings, that they mostly call 'arousion'. I read some books about humans and what they need to survive, and suddenly realized that I
gave nothing to Flug. I gave him nothing. I only demanded for something. Shit, I'm even more asshole that I thought about myself..

I love him. Yes, I definitely love him. After all these years of denying this fact to myself I understood that I love him, and why the hell i got it only now? But I understood something else also. Love is not so simple as I imagined. It was so strange feeling. Like I would kill for him, die for him, and I hated him, and... God, humans are not so primitive creatures. My attitude to them immediately changed, when I felt what they usually feel. What was interesting, they say that it is normal. They say, it's normal to be in love with somebody. It's natural. We, demons, we're never fall in love. But well, now it seems like I do.. Be happy, Black Hat, you are the first demon that falls in love with a human.. Male human. Not even female, male. That means I'm not normal. Or I am? I remember it clearly, the first day he started to work for me.. I showed him what the pain is. How dare I.. How could i touch him. He will never love me, because humans just can't love the devils, we are the evil creatures, and noone will ever love us. Especially so fragile as him... As my sweet little Fluggy... Sweet little Fluggy, who was doing so naughty things in the shower.. Oh my.. I love his body. Not I only his soul, but his body too. It seemed like he was so vulnerable, poor little boy, until he took off his pants.. For the guy his size, he's got a pretty large member... But so sensitive.... I remember the first time I heard him moan.. Shaking and enjoying himself.. His sweet but quiet grunts of pleasure.. He was 15 or 16 years old, that time he decided to explore himself.... Oh my god, what am I gonna do.. I must tell him. All these feelings are so new to me. Especially in my pants..But.. There was a problem. How I'm going to tell him about it? He will think I'm joking.........
author's POV*
Black Hat found Flug sleeping on the desk. "Never misses his deadline..~♡" he thought, looking on his peaceful body. He took him out of his lab coat, and brought to the deeper part of the office, where the bed was. Flug mumbled something in sleep. BH smiled and blushed lightly. He puted him under the warm covers, Flug's body definitely enjoyed his touches.
Black Hat smiled again, not wanting to leave the room. Suddenly he admited Flug's paperbag showed his lips. "So soft.. Pink, small, soft, so fucking hot.. " he thought to himself, and when he was ABOUT TO take his bag off his face, but..
"I.. I mustn't.. I mustn't hit his privacy.. It.. It's wrong.. At least, I saw him already... " Without big enthusiasm he wanted to left the room, but when Flug murmed something again, he stopped. Well, yeah, he looked on his little scientist all night.. And he enjoyed every second of it..
Black Hat thought about various events of his life, when he finally left the room. Flug turned around in bed, almost awakened, hands reaching to rub his eyes.. So, Black walked downstairs.
"How I'm going to tell him about my feelings?.........?....
... Easily. When I will finally show I'm carrying about him."
BH yelled at Demencia who tried to breake Flug 's lab stuff. 5.0.5 whimpered something, when he walked next to him. This bear.. Flug loved him... Black Hat decided to stop. From all the sudden he petted his soft wool, smirking a bit, and looking on 5.0.5's confusion.
"Eh.. Are you going to purr, or something? " he asked.
5.0.5 understood what was going on, and purred, enjoying his 'daddy' s' soft touches.
"Okay, piss off now.. I'm not in mood for things like that.. " BH growled.
The bear quickly runned away, prior purring something like "thank you", but Black Hat acted like he heard nothing.

............ I sat down at my office table, setting up for work, but............
Not before one final thought..
Flug, he wasn't just my scientist.

He was mine and only mine.

I need a monster to love me~♡PAPERHAT♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat