Never father

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Again and again, however we know the landscape of love and the little churchyard there, with its sorrowing names.

And frightening silent abyss into which the others fall; again the two of us walk together. Under the ancient trees, we down again and again among the flowers, face to face with the sky.

Rainer Maria Rilke.

I don't know why I felt jealous she was just my friend, nothing more, but all I could think was 'she's mine, she's mine,' and it didn't help when the unnamed vamp touched her arm, and unable to take it any longer I go up to her and ask to talk in private and once she agreed she asked for max to leave, 'max' I thought 'I don't like him.'

"What did you want?"

Umm... Oops I should have thought about this 'plan' more before taking action, " wanted to talk mind," and instead of meeting her gaze I look around and see that people are staring at me.

"My, my, aren't we the popular one?"

"Well it's hard not to be when your creators Azazeil," I shrug it off.

"Hmm, creator, not father, why?" she asks and I just shake my head at her, "fine you won't tell me, i'll just guess."

Looking around at the buffet for something decent I say absentmindedly, "knock yourself out.

"I think that something happened to you, something that you now take out on your daddy, that you keep locked inside you, by now its threatening to break you into little unimportant pieces, but because, you stupid little idiot," she said softly, "because you push everyone away who shows the littlest amount of care towards you, there will be no one to pick you up and piece you back together, am I right or am I right?"

She was spot on but I'm not going to admit that, "no your not, i say creator because that's what he is, a father is someone who's there, someone who protects you not reining Hell," I knew she wasn't convinced but I just didn't care right now, with all of her persistence at times and shutting up when it's important, and all that cheery attitude, she acts a little like I used to, I think she's growing on me, and I smile, for the first time in a while.

"What are you smirking about?" she asks.

"You just remind me of someone I knew a long time ago,"

Smiling she asks, "who?"

Me, "no one you would know," I say instead.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" she asks.

"Nothing on my ever growing schedule" I say sarcastically and lighthearted, I think some smooyli is getting on me.

"Then it's settled, you come with me after...or now if you want," she asks shyly.

"I'll gladly go now, I'm starving, I don't suppose you have any chicken with ya, hmm?"

"I'll see when we get there,"

"Where are we going?" I ask

"It's a surprise," she said with a wicked grin, showing her fangs.

"I love surprises, lets go," we go in her car and she blindfolds me, "what are you doing?" i snicker.

"I told you, it's a surprise, so no peeking," and she jabs my ribs.

"You didn't have to do that," I laugh, holding my ribs.

"I know, but it's funny seeing you vulnerable,"

"Really, wait till I get you blindfolded," I threaten.

"Ok, we're here," i reach for the blindfold, "don't you dare!"

"Well how do I know where to walk?"

"I'll lead you, duh," and she was at my side in an instant, damn those vamp powers, "hold my hand," I do, and we walk for a few minutes and then she says nervously, "ok, look," I take off my blindfold and I can't believe what I see.

"Oh. My. God!"

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