Part 27

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"Tell me, Liz," I put down a phone and rolled my eyes. "Why men simply can't understand a word 'no'? I mean, it's been three months since I broke up with Peter and he seems like he will try to persuade me to come back for the rest of my life."
"Well, then maybe you should find somebody new, hmmm?" Liz winked at me.
"No way, too busy," I put my hand bag on shoulder and left father's house.

Three months have past since the moment Tommy and I got together and we have kept it as secret. He told me, he doesn't feel like telling my father would be a good thing and I feel the same. As long as my father thinks he has things under control, we are fine.
How sad is that?
I was on my way to our apartment. Tommy was at MMA championship and he should be back today, so I wanted to surprise him a little.

He left the army and decided to take a job as a trainer and compete at different tournaments all around the country.
I took a job at the center, my job was to take the basic care of the pack and train young wolves.
And life couldn't be nicer.

I set up candles all around our apartment and darken the room with curtains.
"Hey, champ," I was sitting on the bed, when he came home. Big dark blue bruise around his right eye looked really painfully.
"Well, hello beauty," his eyes got brighter and it was not because of the burning candles, I could tell.
"What is this all about?" he raised his eyebrows and grinned.
I stood up, wearing just long white shirt and I came to him.
"You won, hmm? So, I guess you deserve a big prize for your effort. You want to unpack it now?"
He started to unbutton the shirt and with every button he kissed a new bare exposed part of my skin.
"I think I have to participate more often," he said softly, when he put the shirt down and saw me standing there in a black leather and lace underwear.

"You know, we have a bed, you could lay me down there! This table will be smashed into pieces if we keep doing this," I was smiling, lying on the table, Tommy on top of me, breathing deeply, his face buried in my skin.
"I can't help myself," he whispered. "I love how you look on that dark wood, it's so freaking hot."
He got down and lift me, in his arms he carried me and laid me to the bed.
"Uhmmm, like a marshmallow," I stretched my body, Tommy laid beside me and kissed me.
"Does it hurt?" I asked him about the bruise.
"Not anymore," he put his head on my belly.
"I love you, Shani," he whispered and we fell asleep.

The sound of my mobile phone woke us up.
"Oh, it's from the center," I yawned and answered.
"Yes? It's Shani here."
"Oh, thank god! Shani! You must come here, please! Mia is sick, but I mean really sick. It'a really bad, Shani!" It was Mark, one of my co-workers, who watched and took care about the pack.
"What? What is going on?"
"She didn't eat yesterday, but I told myself, she is simply full or something, but I checked the footage from cameras and she has been lying on the same spot whole weekend!"
"That is not good. Call Caroline! I'll be there in few minutes!" I put down the phone.
"We must go, now, quickly!" I jumped from the bed, Tommy followed me without questions.

"So, I made the rest of the pack closed in the back part of the forest, they are pissed, but they won't cause trouble," Mark showed it on the screen.
"And where is Mia?" I asked.
"Here, see her?" he pointed at the screen.
"She's hiding," I whispered. "Where is Caroline?"
"She is not in the town until Tuesday," Mark said and I looked at him, then at Tommy.
"What? Are you kidding me? You have to call another veterinarian!" My hands started to shake.
"Shani!" Tommy took my hands. "Firts, we have to get her inside, what do you say?"

We took a tranquilizer gun, put a drugs to a dart to make Mia fall asleep. I went to the area alone. I came to her, she growled, when she saw me and she noticed the gun.
"Sorry, baby girl. I'm doing this to help you," I shot her to her back leg. She tried to move, but she was just whining and growling, tried to get rid of the tranquilizer dart.
I waved to the camera, when she fell asleep and Tommy with Mark came to help me to get her inside.
"Did you call somebody?" I asked, but Mark just shook his head.
"It's Sunday, it seems like there is nobody on the phone."
"Keep trying! Go, Mark!" I started to panick.
"Calm down," Tommy said. "Calm down, Shani. You studied this. Look at her, what is the first thing that came to your mind?"
"I don't know... Nothing," I wiped tears from my face.
"Look at her!" he repeated.
I touched Mia's body, checked her eyes, nose, jaw, took her temperature.

"Alright, my first guess would be pyometra," I said and Tommy happy as he looked, he said: "I have no idea, what does it mean."
"Infection in uterus, and since she's been like this for two days, it might me question of minutes now... Jesus, what should I do?"
"You have to do the surgery!" Mark came, he heard, what I just told.
"No way, I can't do it!" I shook my head.
"You have to, she'll die if we don't do something."

Next few minutes were like in a dream and I am not sure, how did it happen, but I was suddenly standing with a scalpel in my hand over covered Mia's body, only her shaved swollen belly uncovered.
I did everything without thinking. In book I found out, how to calculate anesthetic to keep her sleeping, I secured her breathing. Mark was standing next to me, he saw this operation before, so he said he will help me.
At least she has a chance. She might die now, but at least we'll try.

"Look, I was right. Look at this, that's awful," I watched swollen inflamed organ inside her.
"Let's do this," I automatically grabbed surgical tools and started to remove damaged parts from her abdomen.

"Is it all?" Mark watched organs lying in the trash can.
"I hope so, I have checked twice," I said. The doors got open and man entered the room, where we did the operation.
"Shani! Is that you? I was your professor at the university, I came as quick as I could! How is it going?"
"Oh, thank God!" I moaned relieved. "I was about to close her, but I would appreciate, if you check her before I do so!"

"So?" Tommy nervously marching there and back across the hall, came to Mark few minutes later, when he opened the doors.
"Everything okay, Mia is stable, she will be alright."
"How about Shani?"
"Well, she did great. But she threw up, when we ended the surgery and now she's sitting on the floor crying. I think you should go see her."
"Sure, thanks Mark."

"Hey," Tommy entered the room and came to me.
I was sitting in the corner and felt like I am going to cry my eyes out.
"Shani, love, come on, remove your hands, so I can see you! Mark told me you were amazing! It's over and you saved her life. She will live thanks to you!" he hugged me, hid me in his arms. The only place I feel safe, the only place I want to be. Only place, where I can hide from an ugly truth.
"I... I saw him," I whispered crying.
"Honey, you're shaking! Who did you see?" Tommy pulled me closer to him.
"I saw him, Tommy... My father."
"What? Where? What are you talking about?"
"He was driving that car. He was the one, who hit me. He left me there, Tommy. He left me there..."

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