Chapter 6

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Beep beep beep,

The familar sound of my alarm went off. 11:30 am. Shit was that all a dream? Please tell me Camielle wasn't my kid. I glanced over to my desk. No the papers were still there. That must of meant the kiss with Zak was just a dream, I wish it could of been real. Of course it wasn't becasue we didn't have a motorcycle. I guess I feel asleep once I got home. I stood up and stretched a looked in the mirror. Something was different about me. The twinkle in my eye was gone, I looked sad. I shoke it off and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Roxxxy!" Camielle yelled.

"Morning." I couldn't even look at her. There stood my attackers child infront of me. Camielle keep pushing me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing Camielle."

"But you don't look okay."

"Just a little under the weather that's all." Damn this girl was not going to stop was she? I needed to leave. Get a job somewhere far away. Maybe visit Jake? Visit Zak? Maybe see a therapist about my screwed up life? Roxanne just stop. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I stepped out and put some sweats and a tee.

ring ring ring

"I am not getting that," I whispered to myself as I flopped onto my bed.

"Roxy! It's for you!" Danielle called. I guess I am getting that. I thought as I walked to Danielle and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Roxanne." A familar husky voice said.

"Roxy. Hey Zak." I said correccting Zak. I couldn't take being called Roxanne by him anymore it was just to formal.

"Okay Roxy, I was wondering if we could uh.. do something?" Zak asked. I really didn't want to do anything but maybe I should leave the house. But then again sitting in the dark for days sounds really good. No Roxanne shut up you're going. A part of me forced.

"Um sure, when?" I asked.

"Could you come over at uh 2:30?" Zak asked. I checked the time 2. uh I could do that.

'Sure." And with that we said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Danielle! I need the car!" I called.

'What for?" Danielle asked coming into my room.

"To go to Zak's." I said.

"Yea uh sure." Danielle said.

"Thanks." I muttered.

I walked to the mirror and scanned myself from top to bottom. I quickly changed into skinny jeans, a loose white blouse, and black flats. I brushed out my long blonde strands and put concelear on under my eyes to rid of the darkness.


I stood infront of Zak's house and hesitated a bit before knocking on the door. As soon as I knocked the door opened and there stood Zak. Dammit. He looked so perfect, maybe I should have done something with myself. Eh who cares.

"Hey Roxy!" Zak exclaimed pulling me into a tight embrace. HIs familiar scent over whelmed me and there was just something about it that made me feel at ease and at home.

"Hey Zak." I mumbled as I was being sufficated into his chest.

"Come on in." Zak said letting me go and pulling me inside.


"Come on in." I said pulling Roxy inside. I was so happy to see her again. But something different about her. She kind of depressed. Something in her usual personality was missing. And I intended on getting it back. We both plopped down on the couch next to each other, Roxy sat in dead silence staring down at the floor. How was I going to start a conversation with her?

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