Chapter 4

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I pushed the man who tried to take Roxanne out of the exit yelling,

"You son of a bitch! Don't come back beacause I'll be waiting."

Quickly I ran to Roxanne's side. Her head was bleeding and she was unconscious. I lifted the bottom of my shirt and wiped the blood from her head. She was so beautiful, she didn't deserve any of the pain she was constantly thrown back into.

I lifted her, carrying her out to the car. I sat her in passengers seat and drove to my house.

Lifting her out of the car I carried her to my room and laid her down on the bed. I then rumaged through a cabinet in my bathroom until I found the first aid. I walked back to Roxanne and cleaned up her head and tucked her in.

Roxanne POV

My head was throbbing and I felt limp all over. Lifting my hand I pulled my fingers to my forehead, feeling fabric underneath my touch.

I sat up rubbing my hands on the soft red velvet bed sheets. I looked around the room, I had never seen this place before. I shifted my gaze to the clock on the bed stand and saw it was 2:50 am. I stood up confused and I began walking towards the door when I let out a small scream as I fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Zak asked jumping up from the floor looking around the room.

"Zak what are you doing on the floor?" I questioned looking at him, trying not to laugh at his messy hair.

"You were in my bed so I slept on the floor." Zak shrugged as if it was a no brainer.

"How did I get there?" I asked pointing to his bed.

"When you passed out at the club I brought you back here." Zak explained.

"We could have shared the bed, it's huge." I pointed out.

"I didn't want you to wake up and freak out and then hit me or something." Zak laughed making me smile.

"I would never hit you." I blushed hoping he wouldn't see my face change colors.

"Well in that case we can share?" Zak questioned.

"Mhmm." I said nodded laying back down in the bed. I felt the other side dip down letting me know Zak was there with me.


"No don't take me!" I screamed as a man dragged me by legs down a hall.

"Please! I'll do anything!" I screamed pulling on the door the man locked.

'I'll be back in 2 days, learn a lesson." He said walking away.

"Hey darling." a stern male voice said.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted as he started to rip off my shirt.

"Relax baby." He said pushing me against a wall.

"No I won't relax!" I said as I punched him in the face.

"Oh I like it rough." He said pulling me close.

"GET OFF!" I screamed as I began to kick and punch.

"We got 2 days together, lets make it worth it." He said tackling me to the ground.

I pushed him over and picked up a metal bar from the ground and hit him with it. I went for a second swing when he grabbed the bar and kicked it to the corner of the seclusion room. He then tackled me. This was it I had put up a damn good fight but I lost. He began raping me.

"STOP, NO!" I began screaming.

"HELP! STOP!" I yelled.



I heard a faint scream, but it increasingly grew louder. I sat up and looked at Roxanne who was screaming in her sleep. I shoke her awake. She jumped back when she saw me and yelled


"Roxanne it's okay. It's me Zak, you know the ghost hunter." I whispered. She sat for a moment thinking as if she didn't know who I was when she said

"Oh, sorry, it was just a nightmare. When I saw you for a moment I thought it was real." Roxanne said letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's okay. Do you wanna talk about the nightmare?" I asked pushing a strand of her hair back.

"I guess, but it wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory." Roxanne said wiping sweat from her head and then sat up next to me.

"Well, it was the memory from when I got raped." Roxanne said slowly.

"I thought you said you got away from the guy." I said remembering when we were in the mental hospital.

"That was the second time." Roxanne said. I looked at her sensing the pain in her eyes.

"But uh the first time, I was locked in the seclusion room with a crazy man about 22 years old and I was 14. I put up a damn good fight but in the end he got away with it." Roxanne said.

Roxanne POV

"But uh the first time, I was locked in the seclusion room with a crazy man about 25 years old and I was 14. I put up a damn good fight but in the end he got away with it." I said trying to exclud the horrid details. But the worst part was yet to come.

"You don't have to go on." Zak said quickly putting his arm around my shoulder.

"But I do." I said and Zak looked at me confused.

"Three months later I found out .." I stopped myself right there and held back the tears that were about to spill out.

"Found what out?" Zak asked.

"That I was pregnant." I said as the tears began to spill over. Zak pulled me onto his lap and cradled me and didn't say a word.

"Six months later I gave birth to the most gorgeous baby girl in the world. I wanted to name her Alexandria but they took her away from me before I could." I said through my sobs.


I was speechless at what Roxanne had just told me. I had no idea her life there had been so hard. I wanted to hold her in my arms forever and protect her from the world around us. I sat there stroking her hair as she quietly cried into my chest.

'Roxanne," I began to say when Roxanne interrupted me saying

"Zak, don't say anything. Don't say sorry because it's not your fault."

I sat there once again speechless. This girl was a fighter, she didn't need a apologetic words because she knew they wouldn't change the past. She looked up at me and said

"Your the only one who knows. All the doctors there thought I had come to the institution pregnant."

"Why didn't you say anything to anyone? You could of gotten help." I said.

"Because it wouldn't of done good. No one there really cared for the girl who was left to rot by her mother." Roxanne said.

I hugged her tightly and said "But I care for the girl."

Well I hope whoever read this liked it. If anyone is even reading this note I will have a new part up shortly ;)

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