chapter 1

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Disclaimer: (I am only going to say this once) I do not own Percy Jackson or the Avengers

This is my first fanfic, so I don't know how good it is, and I would really appreciate it if y'all would be kind in your criticism of it.Tks!


We did it. We actually did it. We defeated Gaea. But did we win? Was it worth the cost? Was it even worth  trying to weigh the gain against the cost?

I am the last of the seven still alive. All the rest sacrificed themselves to defeat the goddess of the earth. My wise girl was the last to fall before riptide slid home in Gaea's heart. Her eyes opened wide with shock before they glassed over in death.

Tears create streaks through the blood and monster dust that coats my cheeks as I turn around to look at the crumpled body of Annabeth.

I fall to my knees beside her and gently lift her into my arms. Great heaving sobs shake my battered frame as I struggle to understand that I am holding the lifeless body of my wise girl. My Annie.

I don't register anything that is happening around me, so I am unaware of the mortal danger I am in until it is too late. I feet a burning pain in my chest and look down to see the tip of the spear that has been shoved through me dripping with my blood.

I feel my body shutting down but can't bring myself to care. Death means I get to see my wise girl.

But it was not to be. Just as I was sinking into the darkness of death, there was a bright flash of light and a voice in my head.

"Perseus Jackson, it is not yet your time. There is something that you must still do. Though not in your own time. We are sending you back in time to the 1940s. For this, we are making you immortal. When you wake up, you will be across the street from a recruitment office. Go inside and find Dr. Blake. He will know that you are a demigod and that we sent you. He will take care of the rest. Good luck, Perseus."


I woke up with a splitting headache. I sat up slowly, expecting the pain that usually came with being skewered.

There was none. Other than the headache (which was slowly receding), I felt fine. I looked down at myself in amazement to find that I was dressed in the kind of clothes that you would see people wearing in documentaries of ww2.

Then it all came back to me. The fates made me immortal and dumped me in the 1940s.

I groaned as I stood up and made my way out of the alleyway where I had woken up. My eyes widened in wonder as I looked around. I was in New York.

I think. It all looked so different from what I was used to. From what I could see, I figured I was in Brooklyn.

I looked across the street and sure enough, there was a recruitment office. I looked both ways before jogging across to it. It looked just like the ones in the documentaries. Even had one of those signs out front that read, Uncle Sam wants YOU.

I stared at it, thinking about what it represented. War. I hate wars. They cost so much more than most people think.
I shake my head, trying to keep myself from thinking about that. Now was not the time.

My eyes widen slightly in surprise as I take in the scene waiting for me inside. So many men are waiting in line to fight. I try not to think about how many won't return.

When it's finally my turn, I ask the nurse if Dr. Blake is available. Thankfully, he was, and the nurse ushered me back to an empty examination room.

I thanked her as she left. Pulling the curtain closed as she went. I had just sat down on the examination table when the curtain was parted and a middle-aged man stepped in.

"I'm Dr. Blake." He had a kind face and a firm handshake.

"Percy Jackson. I was told to ask for you specifically."

"Ah, yes. The demigod the fates told me about." His eyes searched mine for a moment. Whether or not he found what he was looking for, I don't know.

"Well, son." He stamped my file. "Welcome to the United States Army."


Hope you enjoyed it! I can't promise regular updates, but the more votes and reviews I get, the more motivated I will be. Tks again for reading!


Misplaced In TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora