Chapter I

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CHAPTER 1 *Edited*

I had almost 2 or more hours till the actual concert. I was looking for my favourite tank top, I couldn't find it anywhere. I look in my closet, under the bunk beds and in the dirty clothes. It was nowhere to be found than I turn around and see Louis holding something in his hand. "You looking for something? " "Yeah have you seen my favorite tank top."

He got a smirk on his face "You mean this one." He said holding it out in front of my face. "C'Mon Louis give it back." I thought I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around. "Sure." He threw it but behind my head, I turned around and saw Harry behind me. "C'Mon guys seriously give it back."

I sat on the floor and started pouting. "Awwe isn't he cute when he's upset." That's when Liam walks in. He would do anything for me, "Liam tell them to give me my shirt." "Guys stop messing with him." He grabbed my shirt out of Harry's hands."Your no fun." Harry said walking away pouting.

I go up o Liam, "Your my hero." I say while giving a big hug, Louis just rolls his eyes. After a few minutes later Zayn comes out, "What are you guys doing in here?" "Okay guys were almost at the stage so be ready." We've done this too many times, but I never get tired of it. We finally got inside the venue it was amazing would think that we could tired of traveling to the same places but we don't always see everything in one or two days. We did all the things we normally do soundcheck, practice, mess around of course and got ready for the meet and greet before the concert.

There was so many people there already it's amazing that someone loves what I do as much me.

Meet and Greet

The meet and greet has been going on for a while now. There so many nice girls not many like me as much as the other boys. I signed a few things, I look at the line and see all the girls, there's a few boys. This one girl who caught my eye. She was beautiful, she had a friend with her talking about whatever. She was talking back so she does like the band she just was cool about meeting us.

I noticed she kept looking at me I smiled at her, luckily, she smiled back. They were getting closer her friend was freaking out even more trying to hold in her screams. I liked this girl she wasn't freaking out, but you could tell she was a fan. Which I like girls like that. She was getting closer to me, she really was beautiful. She finally got to me, her friend was flirting with Harry. "Hi I'm Megan. "

"Hey Megan." I said smiling at her she smiled back it was beautiful. I signed something for her and she gave me a Teddy bear. I get up to give her a hug. I wanted to see her again so I reached into her pocket and got her phone. I knew it was risky but I really wanted to get to know her more. We finally got done with the meet and greet it was always fun to see our fans.

Of course not every fan can do this but at least we have them. I told the boys about Megan and said look out for her she should be in the first few rows. The concert finally started, we sung a few songs until Louis walked over to me. "That girl you were telling us about." "Yeah?" "Row 3 seat 5."

"Okay thanks Lou." He was gonna say something else but his part in They Don't Know About Us. I looked at her till I could get her attention. Her friend must've noticed, I grabbed her phone out of my pocket to show it to her. She started feeling in her pockets I just smiled and winked at her. I started singing You & I, after my part Liam started signing.

I told one of the bodyguards to tell her to go backstage after the show and should could bring her friend. The show finally ended I was waiting backstage for Megan and her friend, talking to the boys. That's when Louis told me turn around. I saw them both Megan was pretty calm her friend was just staring at Harry. "Hey Niall, this my cousin Iza." "Hi."

She said quietly. I called Harry over to us. "Hey Harry go to her cousin Iza over there to meet the boys. "Sure thing mate." "So umm how was the c-concert." "It was awesome, how do you deal with all the screaming girls."

I just laughed. "You learn to get used to it." "How have you survived tonight without losing your hearing." "What?" She said winking. My heart sped up when she did that. I turned around to see that Harry and Iza were getting along well. "So can I have my phone back now." "Oh right sure."

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