"The only way the Ark will think I am dead is if I am dead. Got it?" Clarke fires at Bellamy with a fury-filled gaze, stepping up beside me as we stare Bellamy down.

He doesn't cave under our glares though, simply wearing his smug smirk. "Brave Princess," Bellamy tells Clarke in a low tone, taunting her. I grabbed her forearm to prevent her from doing something stupid when in fact it was me who should've been held onto. Bellamy's eyes meet mine and he taunts "How you became so brave Avery is a mystery considering you spent your last eight months of freedom hiding in air vents."

I'd snapped.

I'm usually protecting others like Wells when I got into scraps. Bellamy's words, however, struck a chord within me I never knew I had. Fists balled at my side I release the grip I had on Clarke and storm towards Bellamy before anybody could stop me, anger burning in my eyes so heavily I'm three seconds away from seeing red. Bellamy must have recognised this too as his smug expression disappears. Gritting my teeth I swing my arm out only to have Bellamy grab it with both hands. The fist that he left uncaged swung up and before Bellamy could comprehend what was occurring I'd punched him square in the jaw.

The leader stumbles back from the force of the hit, shock was written across his face. I let the hot tear fall from my eyes as I confronted Bellamy. "How dare you act as if have had it easy!" A flicker of guilt flashed across in his eyes but I was too furious to care.

Suddenly an arm wraps around my waist, hoisting me off the ground my eyes lose sight of Bellamy's guilty expression. Spinning around to go back at Bellamy I stop when Finn forcefully holds me by my shoulders in place. His hazel eyes bore to mine and I can feel my anger dissipating in his constricting hold. "Ave breathe for me," Finn orders me calmly.

I shake my head, holding tightly to the anger Bellamy boiled inside of me. "I can't!" I shout at Finn, my voice breaking an octave.

Nodding Finn took a hand-off my shoulder to wipe my tears, "I know Ave, I know." My hands found themselves pushing lighter and lighter on Finn's shoulders until I had no more will to fight him. The guy was strong there wasn't any chance of me getting past him and back at Bellamy in my hysterical state. "Breathe with me yeah?" Finn encourages, again chanting for me to breathe in and out.

Eventually, I'd stopped fighting against Finn and he pulled me into his embrace. He hugged me as he turned to Clarke, Wells, Murphy, and Bellamy. "You guys call this a rescue party?" he questions the four of them and instantly takes charge of the situation as he had with me, "We split up and cover more ground. Clarke comes with Ave and me."

Pulling myself out of his hold I quickly wipe my eyes that are most likely red from tears. Refusing to look back at anybody I trudge off in a direction and hope it was the one we had previously been going in. Hearing Finn and Clarke's footsteps behind me I send a silent thank you to the universe. Some fingers entwine with mine I look beside me to see Clarke softly smiling at me. "You need to smile more often Blondie" I croak, trying to make a joke and lighten the heavy mood I'd cast.

A small chuckle escapes Clarke's lips at my remark. I took that as a win for today, even if we didn't find Jasper. I made serious Clarke smile; although it was at my expense I didn't care. I needed a win.

"Better late then never" Clarke directs at Finn who was walking behind the both of us.

"I like to think so" Finn adds, squeezing my shoulder to let me know he was still there which I will be forever grateful for.


I'd gradually left Clarke and Finn to speak with each other alone. I've been kicking a rock for a while now, its momentum being my only source of entertainment. The embarrassment I'm feeling about going off at Bellamy in front of three other people is so bad I can't even think about it without wanting to hurl. It's like a ball of anxiety was sitting in my stomach, slowly eating at me. That is probably my worst quality. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. I bottle my emotions and shove them down if they are anything less then happy. But just like with any bottle it eventually becomes too much and overflows, to hell with whoever faces the consequences. I didn't want to show my face around Wells, Bellamy or Murphy. They probably think I'm a mental case.

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