Chapter Five

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Jungkook was still asleep the next morning while Namjoon woke up and smiled seeing the boy lay next to him.

Jungkook has adorable little huffs of air coming from his lips as his ears twitched.

Namjoon lightly pet his ears and Jungkook purred in his sleep.

Namjoon gently put their foreheads together and he started to wake up. Namjoon realized he was waking up and moved his face back as Jungkook let out a tired whine.

"Good morning baby" he said and moved Jungkook's hair out of his face. Jungkook mumbled a sleepy 'good morning' back.

"Do you want to go take a bath?" Namjoon asked standing and Jungkook nodded.

He picked up the sleepy boy and Jungkook clung to him like a koala (<I will say that a lot, sorry not sorry)

Namjoon took him into the bathroom and sat him on the counter. "Shower or bath?"

"bath please" be said still a bit sleepy and rubbed his eyes.

"Ok kitten" Namjoon said and started running the warm water for him.

Jungkook day on the counter kicking his feet looking down at the ground while waiting.

Namjoon picked up the boy and stuck his little toes in the water. "Is it to hot?"

Jungkook shook his head "perfect!"

Namjoon sat him all the way in the water after removing all his clothes.

Jungkook played with the bubbles.

Namjoon watched the silly boy play with the bubbles for a while. "It's time to wash up"

He nodded with a smile.

Namjoon grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed some on his wet hair. He rubbed it into the boy's scalp. Then he rinsed it out with water making sure not to get any in the boy's eyes. 

Jungkook purred happily.

Namjoon cleaned his ears with soap and grabbed his tail to wash it.

Jungkook gasped and jolted "too much master, please no more" he said overstimulated.

"What's the matter baby?"

"n-no tail" he whimpered.

"Here you do it then"

Jungkook shook his head "can we do it tomorrow?"

"Yes" Namjoon patted his head. Jungkook smiled.

Namjoon grabbed a towel and wrapped the boy in it. Jungkook purred.

"Let's go get you dressed"

Jungkook nodded and gave a smile.

Namjoon picked him up and took him to his room. He hummed softly.

Namjoon got a big t-shirt and some sweat pants for him to wear. He unwrapped the boy out of his towel to where he was naked.

Jungkook didn't mind as he yawned and his ears start to go droopy.

Namjoon looked at him deeply "sit down, I'm not like your other master"

Jungkook nodded and smiled "I know...I like you" he said and yawned again "sleepy.."

Namjoon smiled and giggled "you're tired?"

He nodded "too much play time....kitty sleepy.."

Namjoon patted the boy's head. He purred a bit which started to make him all asleep while standing causing him to almost fall.

Namjoon caught the sleepy boy "come here"

Jungkook cuddled into the males chest. Namjoon helped the boy get dressed. Jungkook kept yawning and trying to stay awake.

"There you go bud" Namjoon said finished dressing the boy. He hummed a little.

"Do you want to go lay down now?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook nodded almost already asleep.

Namjoon took him to the bed and covered him up "I'm gonna be right back"

He whined and made grabby hands not wanting the male to leave at all.

"I have to go baby~"

Jungkook pouted.

"Dont pout. I will be back soon" Namjoon said. He nodded and cuddled into a pillow still pouting.

"I said don't pout" Namjoon laughed and sat next to him. He hugged the boy that was laying down.

Jungkook bit his lip to stop himself from pouting and hugged back. Namjoon gave him a kiss on the forehead. Jungkook purred.

"I'll be right back. Call me if you need anything. Don't answer the door for anybody. Act right. Don't make a mess. And don't be scared by your self. The remote is right here on the nightstand." Namjoon said worried leaving the boy here alone.

Jungkook whined "when will you be back?" He said tearing up; hybrids were very clingy. They also hated being separated from their masters.

"I would let you go but you said you were tired, and you won't clean your tail"

Jungkook let a couple of tears fall and cling to the male "b-but why are you leaving? W-when will you be back?" He said upset.

"I don't know when I will be back. I need to go shopping for food. Do you want to go with me?"

Jungkook nodded and whined "I don't want to be alone" he said.

"Then you have to wash your tail"
Exactly 800 words so great!Hehe!
Love you babes!!💞

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