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This takes place during their sixth year at Hogwarts. For this story, Lavender is with Seamus instead of Ron.


It was the night before all the students of Hogwarts returned home for the holidays. The castle was decorated with beautiful holiday decor that made every student that walked the halls be engulfed with joy.

Since the students were expected to leave the next day, Dumbledore thought it was the right time for a school wide holiday party. This meant the great hall was filled with tons of food and joyful children.

All the houses sat in unison while the party commenced. Even though many students spent there time talking to their friends and stuffing their faces with food, Harry spent the time looking around the great hall in hopes that two best friends, Ron and Hermione, come walking through the grand doors. Harry knew that Ron had wanted to talk to her in private, so he decided to let it go and join in on the momentous occassion. To distract himself, Harry decided to chip into the conversation Ginny was having with Seamus about her favorite holiday meals. As he sat there listening to the two argue who's family has the best homemade meals, Harry couldn't help but think about how he would rather be third wheeling Ron and Hermione on their walk.


As Ron and Hermione strolled away from the crowded great hall and along the empty corridors, they decided to talk about how this school year has went so far. A conversation that might seem awkward to some, was actually the opposite for the pair. Once they finally reached a point where they could stop, Ron pointed towards a bench that they could sit on.

"What's this about" asked Hermione as she just looked at the bench, rather than sitting down.

Ron had a whole plan. He was finally going to tell her how he felt. But when he looked at her, he immediately got scared and backed out.

"Oh.... uhhhhhh, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas!" He said while trying to recover from his already failing plan.

"You wanted to come all the way over here just to say that? Well then Ronald, Merry Christmas to you too" she said with a small giggle and hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Great" he responded. Ron's whole head turned a deep red color. He was embarrassed to say the least.

"Come on, let's go get some dinner before all the excited first years eat all of it" said Hermione while pointing down the hallway in the direction they had just come from moments ago.

As they made there way towards the great hall, Ron grew more and more confident about what he wanted to say to her, but every time he tried, he always ended up messing up. Luckily, Hermione was acting extremely oblivious, and even if she knew how he felt, she sure had a good way of hiding it.

Ron couldn't handle it anymore. For once in his life, he decided to quit being a coward and just blurt out what he has been preparing to say to her for months.

"I love you" he said extremely fast to his best friend while stopping dead in his tracks.

Hermione immedietely froze.

"You what?" Asked the confused Hermione.

Ron didn't know whether it was a good idea to continue or not, so he decided to close his eyes and hope for the best. This was his best friend he was talking to, anything he says right now could jeapordize their friendship and he was already crossing that line.

"You what?" asked Hermione again without moving. 

Ron couldn't bare to open his eyes and look at her so he just remained silent. 

"Ronald....... I uhh..... wow...." stuttered a flustered Hermione.

He couldn't handle the awkwardness anymore so he finally looked at her. He had never seen her like this before. She stood before him speechless. For the first time in her life Hermione Jean Granger was left speechless. This was terrible. Ron had screwed up the best thing in his life because he was being an idiot.

Hermione didn't know what else to say, she was at a loss for words. She wanted so bad to tell him that she felt the same way, but whenever she opened her mouth nothing came out. 

"I knew it, you don't feel the same way" he said obviously embarrassed about the whole situation.

"No......" she managed to say. "Ron, you've got it wrong, I do feel the same way". she said in a slightly loud tone. "I love you. I just didn't know how to tell you" she said with a small smile creeping on her face.

Ron was ecstatic, he didn't know what to do. Hermione was in love with him and he was for sure in love with her. What does this mean for them? What will Harry think? All these questions just piled into his brain like a ton of bricks. He wasn't able to think about this for too long because before he knew it, Hermione took the moment to embrace him in a long awaited hug.

Even though it didn't last long, it felt perfect. 


Harry had enough of the never ending argument between Ginny and Seamus, so he decided to take a walk to the bathroom. As he turned a corner of one of the halls, he saw his two best friends engulfed in a conversation. Harry decided to hide behind a pedestal against the wall. When Ron told him that he wanted to take Hermione on a walk around the castle, with just the two of them, Harry knew exactly what that had meant. He, along with all their fellow classmates have been watching the two of them do this "dance" ever since their first year at Hogwarts. As Harry watched the pair from a far, he heard their confessions to one another and even witnessed their embrace. He had to do something, this couldn't be it.  Six years of this just for a hug, no thank you, he thought. Harry took his wand out of his back pocket and made a mistletoe appear above the pairs heads. Once he saw the couple acknowledge it, he high fived himself then turned around and quietly made his way back to the great hall. 

"And that's why they call me matchmaker Potter" whispered Harry to himself as he walked down the hallway back to the dining hall where everyone else spent their evening. 


Once Ron and Hermione had backed away, all they could do was stare at each other. When there eyes locked, both their cheeks turned a deep red color. Ron couldn't take his eyes off of her. He couldn't help it, she looked so beautiful. She took this moment to look at their surroundings. He noticed her eyes fix on the archway above them, so he decided to look at what she had her eyes trained on.

As he looked up he saw a lone mistletoe hanging from the archway. Ron took this as his moment, and without thinking he gently brushed his lips against hers. The sparks that Ron felt in that moment were undescribable. Once separated, Hermione couldn't help but giggle. This made Ron smile. 

"Well then, I think this calls for some food" Hermione said while breaking the silence.

"I agree.... I'm starving" replied Ron while grabbing Hermione's hand. 

As they made their way back to the crowded hall, Hermione couldn't help but notice that none of the other archways had mistletoes. This was peculiar. What are the odds that the arch that they stand beneath to let their feelings out is the only one with the mistletoe? Hermione decided to let it go and enjoy the rest of the evening with Ron and her friends at the party.

Little did she know that a certain scar clad wizard was responsible for the festive leaf.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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