She has a name

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Josie's pov

The schools commissary was full of students but I could particularly feel a familiar pair of eyes dig into me from the other side of the room. I was comfortably sitting around a table with Hope, Landon and Lizzie.
Hope had explained to Rafaels foster brother what was up and he was one hundred percent in for the mission. I gazed up just this once and there she was. Penelope Park. On the other side of the cafeteria. She sat with her friends but her eyes where clued on me. When she saw I was looking she flashed me a smirk, making me turn my head back to my friends. She already knows what's up, she doesn't have to tease me like this. She knew that she had to come with us. She also know it's because I let her in my head.

"Josie? Does that sound like a good idea?" Hope's voice took me back to reality and all I could do was blink. I had been too busy thinking about... stuff. I heard a well known giggle from the other side of the room and rolled my eyes. I never learn. Now she's mocking me for this too. When will she leave me in peace.

"Sorry, I didn't quite keep up, what did you say?" I apologized and straightened my back to look more observant. Hope started to explain the plan once again, this time I was in all ears.

"If I understand my mistake correct, Rafael should've been transported to the place where he for the first time got in contact with his powers, where his inner werewolf saw the light for the first time, or darkness sort of speak" Hope pulled up a messily folded map out of her uniform pocket and spread it over the table. "If it's true what he said, that he first felt his powers when he, during circumstances, accidentally killed his girlfriend by causing a car accident on the roadway in..." she dragged her finger along the road marks over the state of Georgia on the American map. "He should be right there." she looked up to see if the others kept up. Landon followed her finger on the map, he couldn't lie. He missed home but he could've never predicted to visit his home state because of a consideration like this.

We were lucky the states didn't happen to be to far from each other. It would take at least three weeks to get from Mystic Falls and down to Atlanta, but it could've been much worse.
I immediately regret thinking that.
It actually can't get much worse than this. Three weeks with the devil herself... I'll be the one to be found dead, believe me.
I couldn't help but to look at her again. She was still watching me. Of course.

It happens often that we just stare at each other. We don't need any words. She read my mind and I accept it unintentionally, it's like I want for her to read them. As if I want her to know how I feel. As if I'm scared she'll let me go... but also to show her how much I equally hate her...
I swear I can see her breath hitch in her throat every time I call her the devil. It's like she... enjoys it.
Yes she does for sure. I would know.

I sometimes wonder why she love being in my head so much. It's as if... she miss me too. She smiled at me and bit her lip in that charming way of hers and I realize that I've been staring for too long.
I tear my eyes away quickly just to be met by Lizzie's annoyed gaze. She rested her head on the back of her hand and rolled her eyes. She knew me too well and the fact that I couldn't get over my ex was beginning to fret on her too.
She didn't get how I still could be in love with her by the way she was treating me. To be honest, it scared me how her teasing, mean comments made me both angry and turned on at the same time.
And I judge her taste in dudes...

I cleared my throat, I didn't know what to say. I only knew that I didn't want to sit in this awkward tension for longer than necessary.

"Oh and Josie-" Hope turned to me. "You should talk to Penelope, she needs to know how this plan is going down." She stood up and took her tray with her. Landon did the same, he picked up the map and messily scrambled it and forced it into his pocket. They where going to see if we had everything we needed for the mission, most importantly a bunch of money for the different hotels we where going to stay in.
MG came over and knocked himself down opposite to Lizzie at our table.

Who said I was over you. (Josie x Penelope)Where stories live. Discover now