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A single drop of sweat rolled off of Clarke's forehead and slowly dropped down onto Bellamy's arm, he lent forward, concern plastering his face, 'princess?' He asked her softly 'princess wake up'.

Clarke's sleeping form shifted against his chest as she slowly woke, tears now covering her face,
'Tell me about them,' Bellamy said as he wiped her tears away 'I get them too clarke, tell me what happens and I'll make it better.'

'I can't' she sobbed, 'I can't let myself think about it.'

Bellamy signed and bought her closer to his chest, 'Clark-'

'No bell-'

'-I can't'

'Because when I think about them, the demons creep in, and I don't think I can handle anymore ghosts in my life'.

In the end, it's him and I Where stories live. Discover now