Intro Note

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Hey, so this is my first try at writing about Team Fortress 2. I do have a few things to say before you start reading this book.

I'm not writing about every character in TF2. As of this moment, I'm only writing x reader for Scout, Pyro, Medic, Sniper, and Spy. I find it hard to write about the other characters, so for right now they won't be include. Maybe in the future I'll add them but I can't make any promises.

Most of this book will be PG-13, with cursing, but I may occasionally write more dirtier stuff but I will let you know when I'm doing that.

I want to warn you now I'm not the greatest speller, so you may see some mistakes. I do proof read my work before posting, but I do tend to miss mistakes sometimes. Another thing is I'm bad at writing accents, though I will try my best and if anyone wants to give me tips on writing accents I would appreciate it. Also, I will using German and French in this book but I may make mistakes. So if I do, I apologize and I have no problem with you guys correcting me about it.

My updates will most likely be irregular. I'm still in school and do have a job with a random schedule that takes up a lot of my free time. I will try to update as much as I can though.

With all that said, enjoy reading my TF2 x Reader.

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