⚡️17⚡️- The wobbling broom

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"I am so excited for this, Esmeralda! I can barely wait!" Benjamin screamed into Esmeralda's ear in the middle of a study session.

"Wait for what, the charms test? That's unusual, most people usually dread a test, but you do you." Esmeralda shrugged; going back to her paper that was filled with doodles of cheese puffs, which she had figured was her favourite food in the entire world.

"No, silly! The F.A.R.T. meeting of course! I have never been more excited for anything! Ever!" Benjamin screamed again.

Esmeralda gave a small laugh and looked into his sparkling eyes that had only gone brighter and happier since that night they had found a secret entrance to Hogwarts. "I don't doubt it."

"How long is it until the meeting?" asked Benjamin while jumping up and down back and forth in front of Esmeralda in excitement.

"Just an hour, Benji, try not to die of excitement in the meantime." Esmeralda said, loosely pointing at his feet that were jumping faster than when jumping with a rope.

"Oh, I'll try, or die while attempting not to."

Esmeralda shook her head, smiling a small smile. "Wasn't the point that you weren't supposed to die?"

"I'm trying not to!" Benjamin said stressfully, sitting down on the rug in the floor, only to be laying down on it, facing the ceiling that looked like a midnight sky with stars and all.

"Try a bit harder." Esmeralda teased, making Benjamin groan.

After that, came silence, a long comfortable silence filled with doodles of cheese puffs and loud deep breaths from Benjamin, who at the time was attempting not to hyperventilate.

Then in a lightning, Benjamin jumped back up and said, "Let's play Quidditch while waiting!" Benjamin did not even wait for an answer and headed straight towards the door leading out of the airy, blue Ravenclaw common room.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," said Esmeralda, hoisting herself up from the comfortable couch they were sitting in and ran after him while trying to pull up her hair into a ponytail with her wand between her teeth.

Unfortunately, Benjamin's jogging hours on the morning had paid off in his favour, so he was at least a little faster than the stumbling Esmeralda that was fumbling with her hair and biting on her wand to keep it in her mouth.

Only when he had reached the end of the Grand Stairs, which Esmeralda as usual had flown down via magic, did Esmeralda reach him, but due to his excitement, he had forgotten how to stop running and did not stop until Esmeralda shot him with a jelly-legs curse.

"I don't like running and definitely not Quidditch, but because I'm quite annoyed with you excitement, I'll join you on both, so let's just get it over with, shall we?" Esmeralda said, lifting the curse off Benjamin's legs, allowing him to get up from the cold floor where he had fallen when he was hit by the curse.

"Excellent!" beamed Benjamin, staring at Esmeralda as though she was about to pull a bunny out of her robes or something.

The two quickly walked out of be castle and when they had reached the Quidditch Pitch, Esmeralda fished her wand out of her robe and said, "Accio brooms!" The brooms took their time and after one minute of waiting, they flew towards them in such a speed, Esmeralda thought she wouldn't be able to grip the broom, but luckily, they slowed down when they came closer to them making it a lot easier to grab it with a hand.

Benjamin gracefully mounted his broom and started flying in circles around the pitch, while Esmeralda used a good five minutes on mounting it and then another eternity on wobbling back and forth, until she felt a feeling of balance and flew higher up, wobbling dangerously.

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