⚡️3⚡️- Moi

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"Stop staring at her, she'll think you're creepier than you actually are, Colin!" Denise said as she clapped her hands in front of his eyes.

Colin blinked furiously, with his super long eyelashes. "I'm not creepy, Denise!"

"Yeah, you are, people staring at you are creepy and I know that you know that you can get much creepier than this as well." Denise countered.

"Do not," said Colin, looking offended.

"Do too."

"Do not and I'm not staring at her, Denise, I'm just looking without blinking, that's all," Colin said as he moved his head slightly so he could get a better view of the brown-haired Ravenclaw.

"That is legit the definition of staring. Why are so obsessed about her anyway?" Denise asked as she started fiddling with a lock of her short, ginger hair.

"She's gorgeous! She would be the crown jewel in my photography collection, just look at her, Denise, she is more than gorgeous. I can't possibly see why she won't let me take a picture of that gorgeousness." Colin sighed.

"Colin, you have a bit of drool, right there," Denise said, pointing at his chin.

Colin wiped it hastily away.

"I wouldn't have wanted you to take a picture of me either if I didn't know you and you spent your whole time staring at her attempting to — don't even think about it!" said Denise, grabbing the camera Colin had just taken up.

"I would have successfully taken a picture of her, Denise! Why did you do that?" Colin moaned.

"Because it's actually illegal to take photos of people without their approval, Colin,"

"—Like if I care,"

"— and no, I will not give you back your camera," Denise said sternly.

Colin groaned as he started attacking a sausage with his silver fork.

"Maybe she'll agree to let you take a photo of her if you ask," Denise suggested after watching Colin eat three sausages in under a minute.

"That may have been your breakthrough, Denise! Your first good idea!" Colin beamed.

Denise rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her porridge. "Go talk to her then, she doesn't seem so busy at the moment, well, except for nibbling on a piece of bacon while having a polite conversation with a blonde girl."

"Maybe I will," Colin said as he stood up from his chair and crawled under the table as a shortcut.

He poked the gorgeous girl's shoulder and watched as the gorgeous face met his. "Yes?" said the gorgeous girl, not seeming too happy for his presence.

Colin froze on the spot, he wanted to say so many things, but instead, he said, "I'm Colin, can I take a photo of you?" He mentally slapped himself for not asking his question a bit later into the conversation, but done was done.

"Of course, not, why would I let you? Especially after your THREE failed attempts at taking a sneak photo of me." The gorgeous girl said.

"You're gorgeous; I need to take a photo of that gorgeousness!" Colin pleaded with his puppy eyes full on.

The girl seemed to be cringing an awful lot. "You're a stalking eleven-year-old, Creevey," she said. "I don't want you to take a photo of me and please don't EVER talk about me like that; this gorgeousness might just die of cringing."

Colin felt taken aback; he just wanted a photo of her, what could possibly be so impossible with that?

"I may just be a stalking eleven-year-old, but at least I have a camera," Colin said proudly before realising the error in his statement. "Crap, I only made it worse didn't I?"

The Slightly Stalking PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now