⚡️13⚡️- Love, Emilia.

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Dear Esmeralda
No, mum is has not gone better since last time, she says it helps her forget, but it does not, she just remember more than she already did.

Seems she cannot handle yet another family member leaving the home, it is like every person leaves with a piece of her heart, which they probably do, it will truly be odd when I leave, knowing I will leave her behind even more miserable than before.

Well, over to happier thoughts: Dad sent us a letter. Yes, I know, we have not seen him in ages, but he said he would found happiness with some bloke from Ireland or something and he wished to see all of us.

I know you are not allowed to leave Hogwarts without permission and mum is probably the last person to give you permission too, but knowing you, you would not mind sneaking out.

If you could make it, please meet dad, Julie and I in Honeydukes at twelve o'clock on Saturday.

I know you will find a way there, but in case you will not, send me or dad an owl, and we will figure a way out. That is what the Breads do. Don't they? Haha, you are probably rolling your eyes now...

Anyway, that boy who always tries to take photos of you, why can you not just get your revenge like real big time. A simple Ducklifors will not hold him off forever; you have to pinch back!

Be that daisy you are, simple, yet sophisticated, take that sophisticated revenge on him! Alternatively, you could just become his friend and he would just stop taking photos of you. That is two options and you still get to be a daisy.

I hope to see you on Saturday.

Love, Emilia.

Dear Emilia

It is awful that such a thing as attending school could break a person so badly; I hope she is not as bad last time, but I will try not to jinx it.

Moving on to your choice of a flower fitting my personality; seriously, a daisy? Am I not more of a sunflower? You know, being awesome.

Anyway, I would love to meet in Hogsmeade and I'm positive I will find a way there, I know some people here who knows a lot of weird stuff, including Nargle facts and please, don't bother asking what a Nargle is, because truth to be told, I have no idea, I think it's like an insect or something.

And about that little advice of yours when it came to that stalker boy, maybe I should try that, it wouldn't be the most efficient solution, but at least it's going to last longer.

I cannot come up with anything else to write so...

Love, Esmeralda.

The Slightly Stalking Photographerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें