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Hey it's Grayson, Grayson Dolan! I'm one- me and my brother Ethan are one of the biggest youtubers known right now, with our best friends james and Emma Chamberlain. We started our YouTube channel over a year ago now and we have 7.7 Million subscribers which is amazing and totally unbelievable!! Our fandom is amazing and we love each and every one of them. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be here right now in life.

Personal life... well... Emma actually dates ethan which is cute as they met over collaborating for a video with James Charles. I still remember them two getting along great.. I love seeing my brother happy. I'm not a single Pringle myself tho... I have hannah, hannah meloche. I love her! She's emma chamberlain bestfriend and I don't know what I'd do without her. We met over dinner one day when we went out with Emma and her friends, she was so funny and sweet... I have never met someone like her before.


Yes I have. Ariana. But I can't get to her, not anymore, she told me to get on with my life and she'll get on with hers... I wonder how she's doing? I hear her on the radio nearly everyday and she's always on the internet about her new songs, her successes and just everything so I mean.. she must be doing great right now.

My dad is still unwell but he is still his normal self cracking up jokes and being annoying but I mean... isn't all dads. Him and my mam moved down to our home town when we were younger to New Jersey so it means me and ethan don't see them much... but its okay. My sister is actually soon finishing university which is cool!

Anyways, me and ethan are currently on tour and have nearly finished the area were in now. We'll be going into New York City soon to meet fans there... I can't wait.

just a lil catch up on graysons life :)

all over again {G.D}Where stories live. Discover now