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{year later}

Hey it's Ariana, Ariana Grande. Lots changed since I have arrived to New York City... like my song 'thank u, next' which is based on my ex's got to number 1 on billboard, it also become the first fastest viewed video on YouTube in history! I then become woman of the year by billboard which was a pleasure!! Literally!! My dreams came true!! I have went to many event party's which has also raised my career a lil too... so yeah... my career life is going great!

My personal life tho... I still have no fucking idea what I'm doing. I have my best friends still standing by my side. My mental health is getting way better and I'm a healthy human being... kind of. I still think about Grayson sometimes.. I have a feeling that I always will... I mean... I think about how he's doing in life and wondering if he's okay... I wonder if he thinks about me... we both said we'd never forget each other.

Ugh anyways! I have new albums on its way, new tours and just plenty of surprises! I'm working on songs like 'needy, imagine, remember' you know.. album songs, like I should be.

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