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I opened my eyes and blinked at the sunlight streaming through the window, I realised that I had fallen asleep, I had tried to hold it in but I cried my eyes out last night. I reached out for my phone by the side table and it displayed 7:30 am, there was a text message, I opened it and it read,

"No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one."

It was a message from ALEX COLLINS, He is the one and the only person who can bring back smile to my face. Falling in love with him, I don't know how or when it happened, all I know that it is the best thing to have happened to me. When I look at him I see a lot of things; my best friend, my boyfriend, my secret keeper, my tear stopper and above all MY FUTURE. We have been together since past six years. Our relationship is different from every other relationship in every respect. He is the more patient, calm, positive and the list goes on, in our relationship. And I am the more like an idiot one. But we share the most perfect relationship ever. On 12th June 2017, It was bright and sunny outside and I got a call from Alex at 11:00 in the morning and he told me to be ready as he wanted to take me for a little ride in his new car. I got all dressed up and as I went outside he was there standing by his car. He told me that we were going to have lunch at 360 THE RESTRAUNT AT THE CN TOWER ( Which by the way is the most romantic place in the whole Toronto). It sounded a little crazy to me but I agreed as I just wanted to spend some time away from my family drama. We had lunch and then Alex ordered for dessert. As the waiter walked in, I saw in his hands a big chocolate cake with a tower at its top, I couldn't look clearly as he was far away, I thought it must be for some other couple. But to my amazement he stopped in front of our table and I saw a RING on top of that tower. As I was looking at it in a state of pure shock, ALEX took the ring and went down on his knees and said the most beautiful words I have ever heard.

"Because every long lost road, led me to where you are; others who broke my heart, were like northern stars, guiding me on my way, into your loving arms, this much I know is true. God bless the broken road that led me straight to you. Today marks the sixth anniversary of our relationship, on this date I found the reason of my smile. Having you by my side is what completes me, I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on. Hold my hand I want to grow old with you, I want to see your wrinkled face sitting right across my chair, reading a book. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. You bring out the best in me. Will you MAISHA ALI give me a chance to be the luckiest man alive."

I just couldn't say another word but YES. It sounds a little crazy that I accepted his proposal without even my parents knowing about him but as its said "when you find true love never let it go". I didn't want to lose the very important person of my life like that.

I texted him back,

"How do you manage to be positive all the time?"

I came out of the bed and went straight in to the shower. I leaned my head against the shower wall, exhausted. In the shower, I lifted my face to the warm water, it felt so soothing. After a warm shower, I felt much better. I shut off the shower and wrung out my hair, then wrapped myself in the thick towel. I wanted to wear something black, so I chose a black crop top with denim straight pants. I blow dried my hair and tied it in a messy high bun. I wore my black sneakers, took my bag and rushed downstairs. As I entered the dining room I saw a note on the breakfast table, it was from dad and it said,

" I love you more than anything in this world my little girl, but sometimes you just get caught in situations where you try to get out of it as soon as possible without thinking what impact it has on people around you. I am so sorry for ruining your dinner, here is a little sorry gift."

I saw on the table and dad had made a beautiful breakfast for me with all the things I loved. As I was going to start my breakfast I saw mom coming and she looked in a hurry,

"Baby, I am getting late for the flight so take care of yourself and do what you like to do. If your DAD tries to stop you let me know, OK. Bye love."

She went away as she kissed me on my cheek. She didn't even ask me if I had breakfast or not. It made me a little sad but then I saw the beautiful breakfast dad had made, I knew that dad loved me but he was too busy in his life at that moment.

I finished my breakfast, went outside, locked the door and I thought not to go to college by car but walk instead. I started walking, with earphones plugged in I played my favorite song "The heart wants what it wants" by Selena Gomez. I reached the park near our college and as I looked at the park I saw a little girl with her parents playing on the swing, I pulled my earphones and just kept looking at them, they looked so happy, the smile on that little girl's face explained it all. It remined me of the days when I was two years old and Mom and Dad used to bring me here. I just kept standing there still, like the world around me had stopped. Suddenly I heard a honk behind me, I turned around and it was ALEX, waving at me to get in the car. I walked towards the car and sat in it.

"Look at you, you look so beautiful."

Alex said in a way to cheer me up, I don't know how but he used to get it that I was upset.


The only word I wanted to say at that point. I didn't want to go to the college, it felt so depressing, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to sit and relax somewhere where I could find peace. And suddenly Alex said something which I never expected.

"You know what, lets skip college today, I want to take you to this place where I am sure you are going to feel better."

"Alex I am way too lucky to have you in my life, I don't know what my life would have been if it wouldn't have been for you."

"You just said the exact same words I wanted to say."

He smiled and pressed the gas pedal. We kept listening to our favorite songs and he made it fun by acting the songs out. It was the best ride of my life. I had not laughed like that in years. It took us almost an hour to reach the place. It was THE HUMBER BAY ARCH BRIDGE. The view from that bridge was mesmerising, I could feel the fresh air on my face. We went for a bicycle ride, had lunch and just waited there for the sunset. Alex went to buy something while I enjoyed the beauty.

"Come here Maish, I have something for you."

I heard him from behind and I saw a heart shaped lock in his hand.

"I heard the people saying that if you lock your love on this bridge you end up together, well lets give it a try shall we."

I laughed at him cause he did not sound like himself.

"Alex do you really believe in all this, I never thought you would talk like this."

He smiled at me and handed me the lock. We locked it and threw the key away and enjoyed the sunset.

That day was the most beautiful day of my life and I didn't want to leave that place, I wanted the time to just stop, It was the happiest day in my life after a very long time. I just kept looking at the quote written there,

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES

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