Doctor Trager x reader

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" Shhh. Don't be scared. I know it must be very confusing for you. After all, I got you tied up in a chair.... but I assure you it's only for your own safety. Now don't be like that. I only want to help you is all. That's it. Calm down." The mysterious man looking over you said as he stuck a needle of some unknown substance into which caused you to feel relaxed. When you looked around you weren't sure of where you were but you oddly still felt relaxed when you knew deep down you should be panicking. You could still feel the sweat that left your body making you feel a bit colder in the already ice cold room. The mysterious man walked over to another part of the room grabbing a clipboard and looking through it muttering to himself. You couldn't help but notice his grotesque features and his oddly chippy voice as he said out loud the details that seemed to be written about you." You poor girl, I can't comprehend what previous ordeals you went through. It's no wonder why you were sent here. Let me guess they must have thought you killed a close family member huh? But never mind any of that. You are here! It is my duty to get you into tip-top mental shape! I have a feeling that you couldn't hurt a fly and it is my generosity that I bestow upon you the gift of being cared for! I have a feeling that everything will turn out great in the long run!" He said with such enthusiasm before coming up to you again. He then put an oxygen mask that was hooked up to an unknown gas canister." There we go! Now you might feel a bit giggly and that is completely normal. I just want to be sure that you are happy as I take you into the next room with my other patients! Now even though you will find something unsettling the gas I'm making you breathe will keep you feeling happier than ever! After all, the point is to keep you feeling good about yourself despite any wrongdoings going around! I will free you from those negative feelings in your head for I wouldn't be the good ol' Doctor Trager that everyone looks up to!" He then took the mask off of you and turned off the machine. You were feeling a sensation that you have never experienced before. Your brain felt like it was flying out of your body and your eyes were shifting off whichever way which caused you to not focus on your surroundings clearly. You couldn't help but automatically laugh hysterically. He also chuckled with you as well as you felt you were being pushed into another room. Eventually you ended up in the other room and you heard agonising screaming. He told you to not worry about a thing as he set you in close proximity of the other patient who was cursing him out." Hey. Now. Now. We got a little girl over here. You might want to watch your vulgar terms." The patient looked over at you and then you managed to finally get clear control of your eyes and looked back. The patient screamed," Doctor Trager is no Doctor! You hear me?! He is a lunatic! When he decides that he has enough of me he-" Doctor Trager covered the patient's mouth as he said," Now. Now. What did I tell you about speaking such blatant lies?" The patient whimpered as he took out a needle." Why they get put to sleep! P e r m a n e n t l y." You watched as the patient struggled and for the first time in your life you couldn't feel anything but uncontrollable happiness. Deep down you knew what was happening and it was wrong but whatever Doctor Trager gave you made you feel nothing but giddy. So you giggled as the patient whimpered and struggled before complete stiff silence. Only your giggles remained as he looked back at you giggling as well." See I told you that stuff would do you justice. If I hadn't have given you it I wouldn't get to see that gorgeous smile of yours." He then put a sheet over the now deceased patient. When he was done he walked back around to you and grabbed the handles of the wheelchair." I'm bored so let's do something fun and positive." He said as he carted you off somewhere else.

This is just something I just randomly wrote without any plan. I just wanted to get something out. I hope it turned out alright.

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