Eddie Gluskin x female reader

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Warning: Mature content warning. Don't read if you are sensitive to certain scenarios. I will try to keep it tame though.
I worked on this several months ago and decided to work on it again. I tried to have this make a bit of sense. I am really feeling drained lately because what I write seems bad but hopefully this will be alright until I can come up with better things. (Rape warning but I try to not get into it with too much details)
You were currently being detained by a few guards as another was shouting in your ear. The fluid they injected you with seemed to already be acting up. You looked up in a hazy blur, the guard that was shouting at you now seemed to be laughing along with the other two. Next, an excruciating pain occurred in your head and you started seeing lights that were not there, before you knew it you were being pinned against a counter and your arms were being shackled to a few chains that appeared to be screwed tight into the counter. Alarms rang in your head as you tried to keep yourself aware of what was going on around you. You didn't even have the chance to think about what was going on before you felt a few hands roaming their way into your pants. You began to feel a sense of fear in your disoriented state and wished that you could break free. You whimpered slightly as you felt the hands fondling with your private area.

  You jolted up and looked around, you found yourself to be in a cell. You got up unsure of where you were until one of the guards that worked there entered as if he was expecting you. He walked up to you smirking and said," Doll, it seems like you've become a celebrity around these parts." You looked at him confused by what he meant." Oh. Thaaaat's riiiiight you probably don't remember...." He paused for a moment and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he took you out of the cell,"... Let's just say you are a movie star." He ushered you to move faster as he said," Come! Come!" You felt really uneasy at what he just said.

  You were brought into a recreational room and as soon you were brought there all eyes were immediately shifted to you. There were loud hoots and hollering directed at you. The guard then said to you," What I find pretty amusing was the one man who didn't enjoy this little movie that had a pretty thing like you in it. Hmph. I wonder why?" He then laughed it off." Well anyways long story short he started to go in a sudden rampage about how he would kill everyone and such. We ended up caging him since he was ruining our little cozy atmosphere we had going." He was chuckling away and then a few more guards came up and directed you towards a wheelchair. They sweetly told you to sit in it which sounded fake and sketchy. You were mildly confused at the entire situation but complied to what they told of you. As you sat down they immediately strapped you to the chair and wheeled you in front of the screen. So far it showed a logo that seemed far sexual in nature as if it were some actual inappropriate movie company. Then some intense sound effects sounded and the screen faded to black before showing a new scene. The scene showed the zooming out of your face and exposing you in a disoriented state. There were a couple of guards holding you while another who was holding the camera was shouting some very sexual things at you. You saw yourself wincing and trying to stay awake. The guards ended up dragging you to a counter and pinning you to it as the one holding the camera shackled you to it. Your current self sat in the wheelchair in a shocked state,' Why were they showing you this?', you thought wanting to close your eyes. This made you sick.' Now that you thought about it, Why were you here to begin with? You couldn't remember anything before you woke up.' You continued to watch the horrendous video of you being violated by those so called guards.' What did you even do to deserve such treatment? Also who was the man who was also disgusted with this video? You wished to meet him because it would be a comfort to be with someone who is more decent than these horrible people surrounding you.

  Tears fell down your face as you were ashamed to have such people violate you.  You looked around in fear as the other men were enjoying themselves and commenting on how such a naughty little girl you were. You sobbed at the way they were all looking at you. You were officially traumatized by the thought of being restrained and having absolutely no idea what to do, not being able to run away if you some how got free from the wheelchair.

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