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Yang p.o.v
I was sitting at a table with Weiss and RNJR as we finally made it to the house they were in. We all decided to eat before answering their questions due to Weiss and I being hungry. While we were eating I looked at Ruby as she smiled while eating talking to Jaune. I look at Weiss and she nods I call Ruby's name and she looks at me as the others did the same. "Ruby I know where y/n is." Her face then starts to brighten and I continue to tell her. "We had to find a way to find you and so we went to my mom. Since we knew uncle Qrow was watching you guys but when we asked her to open a portal she denied it. Until y/n showed his semblance and she decided to open a portal only if y/n stayed with her. I said no but y/n insisted and he stayed behind and mom opened a portal to uncle Qrow." I look back at Ruby who now had a frown on her face I look down at the ground as silence was now in the room. Nora then decided to break it by cheering everyone up by joking around and we all started to break the silence as we laughed. And I looked at Ruby and see that she was now smiling and I made a promise to myself that after all this I would save y/n.

Y/n p.o.v
I was walking around the tribe as Vernal followed me. Raven told her to watch me in case I tried to escape but then I hear gunshots as some members of the tribe are launched back. Me and Vernal ran towards it only for me to see the same people who had destroyed beacon and the woman who killed Pyrrha. I grit my teeth and summon insulator and get ready to attack but Vernal stops me and walks up to them. I notice Cinder stare at me and fire starts glowing around her eyes and smiles at me. I clench my fist at her taunt but Vernal starts to talk to her and after awhile leads her to Raven. When we made it Vernal made me stand outside and Cinder walks up to me smiling and I couldn't attack her because that would end up with Raven,Vernal and Cinder into attacking me including the people she was with. I keep my cool as she puts a hand on my cheek and says "it's been awhile hasn't it tell me how are the others most importantly the girl who did this to me. What was her name again oh wait now I remember her name was Ruby Rose." Before she could say anything else Raven came out of the house she was in and looks at Cinder and asks her what she was doing here. Cinder began to explain how she was the fall maiden and how she heard that Vernal was the spring maiden. Cinder then began to tell Raven to help her get the relic in Haven Raven then thought for awhile and says "I will help you on one condition. I want you to kill my brother Qrow Branwen." "You don't have the right to bargain assuming you have nothing we want Raven." Cinder said with a smile "If you kill my brother then I will also give the Winter maiden in your aid." Cinder froze at what she said and asked her where the winter maiden was Raven then put a hand on my shoulder. Cinder look suspicious and asked her for some proof Raven looked at me and started to attack me I duck under her attack but then I see Vernal raise her hand and lighting comes from the sky towards me. I then quickly create an ice wall that would be impossible to make without dust I turned to Cinder to see that she was still smiling and agrees to Raven's negotiation. I turn to Raven and told her I wasn't going to help her but Cinder said "You know all I need him is for another relic that is in Atlas so if you are willing to help us in getting that relic to then I will gladly accept your negotiation. Raven thought for awhile until she agreed and turned to me with her sword in hand ready to strike. I look around me and see that the other tribe members were ready to fight. Before I could do anything Cinder stretched her Grimm arm and slammed me into the ground. I look up and see Vernal hold me down Emerald and Mercury started to help and I feel them tie me up. And Raven walks up to me and kicks me in the face knocking me out.
Ruby p.o.v
The others and I were following uncle Qrow as we made our way to haven academy. Uncle Qrow wanted to ask the headmaster Leo if the council agreed to help us or not. I hear doors open as we pushed passed the doors that led to haven academy we see a lion Faunus who had a beard. He looked really nervous for some reason uncle Qrow then asked him if the council agreed but he stuttered and asked why we bring our weapons. Uncle Qrow said we were huntsmen and I see Yang turn her head looking around the room. But she stopped and said "mom" we all then turn to where she was looking and see a crow with red eyes fly off a railing and behind the headmaster and transformed into Raven Yang's mom. She then taunts us and tells us how she joined Salem and how Lionheart gave Salem information about the hunter and huntresses uncle Qrow grips his weapon tightly ready to strike until I say "Uncle Qrow said you have the spring maiden. If you do please give her to us so we could stop Salem." "Your wrong I don't just have the spring maiden I also have the winter maiden." She then takes her sword out and opens a portal and a fire ball fires toward me knocking me back. I look up to see Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald ready to fight and she taunts uncle Qrow as she steps out. I get up and tell her to give us y/n back Cinder then smiles and looks at Raven and nods at her. A portal then opens and y/n comes falling out tied and gagged. Cinder then catches him before he falls to the ground and says " you mean him sorry but he's too special to let go. You see he is the winter maiden it shocked me when I learned about it but oh well." Y/n then slowly opens his eyes and stares at us and he starts trying to talk but the gag stopped him from doing so. I then take out crescent rose as the others do the same and we hear the doors open behind us and I see a tall masculine man close them and tells us that the white fang had set the explosives. Cinder smiles and we all charge at each other ready to fight.

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