Prologue: Aftermath

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She had finished.

The study of Arkhelm Xelkos went quiet for a few moments after Zena finished telling her superior about the tragedy that took place on her assignment to Loch. She had explained everything that happened to her comrades and how much she blamed herself for their deaths. She truly did feel guilty for the deaths of three guilds that she was supposed to lead and make sure they all made it home to their friends and families. She had failed miserably.

"So... the Wendigo Lord took you all by surprise, correct?"

"Ye-yes..." she answered with a stutter. "Upon entering its den, its minions and he himself took us by surprise and killed a few members from each guild. When we finally managed to dispatch him, there was only nine of us left. He was stronger than I anticipated and my ignorance and failure as a leader was the cause of it. I take full responsibility for the deaths of the Goddesses of Sin, the Slayers of Evil, and the Dark Knight's Order."

The red-haired woman known as Zena sat before Arkhelm with her head down. She thought back to when she encountered the Demon King. The memory of their conversation haunted her, and she regrets not trying to end his life. What really adds to her self-loathing is that she couldn't tell anybody the truth. The truth of what happened to the three guilds. There was not a single soul she could trust. The Demon King had informed her that he had spies within Xenvalon and if she were to tell anyone of what really caused the fourteen rank 6 Adventurers deaths; Xenvalon would be annihilated.

She hated this feeling of uselessness. She knew about humanity's greatest foe and she could say a word to anybody. Not even Arkhelm. A theory had sparked in her brain with a little evidence to back it up. What if Arkhelm was a spy? The Demon King clearly has magic that's stronger than the average human, so was it possible he had a way of giving magic to others? If that was the case, did Arkhelm Xelkos agree to become his spy in exchange for his magic level to be bumped up to seven? Zena didn't want it to be true, but she couldn't shake off the thought.

She couldn't trust the man she loved most.

Arkhelm had written down everything Zena had told him, not asking her once to repeat. He had given her his full attention because the massacre... intrigued him.

"Zena, you need to stop." Arkhelm said bluntly.

The moon glowed brightly behind Arkhelm, it's brilliant light filled his office and showed the confused and frightened look on Zena's face. While Arkhelm, who's back was turned to the light, stared into her eyes with a soul-piercing stare. His face was engulfed in darkness and it caused a shiver to go down Zena's spine.

"Wha-what?" Zena tightened her fist in anger.

She wasn't mad at Arkhelm. She was mad at herself for exerting such fear in front of him, and she felt embarrassed for doing so.

"You need to stop blaming yourself for everything that happens in the world. People die every day; that's how the world works. I want nothing more than to change that but things like that just aren't possible. When you take on the position of Adventurer, you need to accept that you or the people around you might die that very die. If you cannot accept death, then you shouldn't even wield a sword. Zena, I chose you to become my successor because I believe that you will accomplish things greater than I ever had. That being said, the day you take the title of the Virtue of Kindness is the day you surpass me. To start, you need to accept death. Whether the cause of it is your own fault or not. You learn from your mistakes, not wallow in them."

Arkhelm's words reached Zena's soul. She didn't fear death, she never once did when she became an Adventurer. But... she did fear for the deaths of the innocent because one life taken is a complete failure to her and it always pains her heart when she hears the death toll in a battle. She would rather lose her own life than the lives of the innocent. She had the spirit of a true hero, a person who put others before their self.

In this cruel world, few people like Zena existed.

"Do you understand, Zena? I need you to stop blaming yourself for the deaths of others and move on with your life. Do not mourn, just push forward." Arkhelm stated.

Zena gave a mere nod before responding.

"Yes, I understand, sir."

She didn't mean it. She could not help but feel guilty for the three guilds that were mercilessly slaughtered by the Demon King and his servants. If she hadn't been so spineless and let the Slayers of Evil and the Dark Knight's Order go to the mountain, they could've all made it out alive. But she didn't put her foot down enough to establish authority. She couldn't place the blame on anyone else but herself.

Arkhelm leaned back in his chair and opened a drawer on the side of his desk. He pulled out a single sheet of paper and placed it on the desk. He turned it so the words were right side up for Zena to read. He slid it toward and she snatched it. It was a wanted poster for a crime duo known as the Twins. The rumors were that the twins were undead. A rank 8 Adventurer who encountered one of them impaled her through the left eye with a javelin and she didn't die. The Adventurer barely escaped with his life to tell the tale.

"What's this for, sir?"

"It's another mission. Like I said; there's no time to mourn. The Adventurer death toll is rising more and more in the town of Brimstone due to those two creatures. I know this sudden but--?"

"I'll head out immediately!"

"--let me finish..."

Arkhelm's aggression went up drastically at Zena's interruption, and it frightened her to the farthest extent. She shook as she bowed her head rapidly whilst begging for forgiveness. Arkhelm raised his hand as a way of telling her to be silent. She did as gestured and silenced herself.

"Another thing. Stop with the constant sorry-ing," Arkhelm ordered. "As I was saying; I know this is sudden, but I want you to head to the town of Brimstone to bring down these two undead. You will not be in command, though. Cherry will be captain and will be leading you and that boy Blue."

Arkhelm continued to speak as soon as he saw the grimace on Zena's face. He didn't think he had to bring this up, but that look told him he did.

"I understand that you and Cherry aren't very fond of each other for reasons unknown to me. But, for the sake of the assignment, can you just cooperate and get it done?"

Zena released a small sigh as she slowly nodded her head. Aside from the Demon King, Cherry was the person that she hated the most. She knew exactly how to get under Zena's skin so Zena knew immediately that this trip would be nothing but them throwing insults back and forth. She hoped that Blue wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

"We'll get the assignment done, sir. I promise." she swore.

Arkhelm simply nodded his head. He released a small smile for Zena to see, and it caused her cheeks to heat up as soon as she laid her eyes upon it.

So... cute... was her only thought before she bowed her head and exited the room as giddy as a child...

Coming Soon: Chapter One: The All Knowing Dealer!

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