Chapter Twelve

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|Fight With Dolph|

Roman's Pov:

Seth Dean Miley and I headed straight for the gym when we got back to school and saw that a wrestling ring had been set up. "Where the hell did that come from?" Dean asked. "One guess," Miley said. "Dolph's father probably bought it for the school," Seth said and I nodded. "Exactly. Well let's get this over with," I said and walked over to it.

Dolph stood in the ring smirking as I climbed in. I pulled off my t shirt and handed it to Miley and kissed her. "Good luck baby," she whispered and I nodded. "Let's get this over with," I said to Dolph.

"Hang on," I said and climbed out and walked over to Miley. "Baby I have something important to ask you," I told her. "Whats that?" she asked. I took her hands in mine. "Miley.....will you be my girlfriend?" I asked smiling. "I cant see myself with anyone but you." She squealed. "Yes I will!" she said and I kissed her urgently before getting back into the ring.

"Let's get this done," I said and Seth rang the bell (yes the ring came with a bell as well). Dolph and I locked up and everything Dad and Shawn had taught me kicked in at once and I went on auto pilot punching and kicking Dolph to a bloody mess.

Dolph finally got some hits in but all he really did was split my lip. I didn't notice that Miley had climbed up on to the apron until Dolph came running at me with his fist cocked. I jumped out of the way and Dolph couldn't stop in time, and his fist connected with Miley's jaw knocking her to the floor.

"MILEY!" I yelled jumping out of the ring and dropping to my knees by her side. "Shit! Roman I'm sorry! I couldn't she ok?" Dolph asked completely forgetting the match.

Seth and Dean helped me carry Miley to a gym mat and lay her down. "Miley please wake up," I said checking for any visible injuries. Her eyelashes fluttered and her eyes opened. "Ow......," was the first thing out of her mouth.

Miley's Pov:

I looked up into Roman's eyes. "Baby are you ok?" he asked as he and Seth helped me sit up. "Ow my jaw," I said rubbing it. Then without warning I threw up all over Seth! "Ooh Seth I'm so sorry!" I said as he stood up with my vomit dripping off of him.

"Um it's ok Miley it was accidental," Seth said and went to clean up. "Roman there's something I have to tell you," I started to say but I threw up again. "I think she should go to the hospital," Dean said concerned, "she could have a concussion. She hit her head on the floor pretty hard."

Roman nodded then scooped me up into his arms. "Let's go," he said and he and Dean and Seth (who had showered and changed clothes) took me to the hospital. Seth drove my car while Roman sat in back with me.

I managed not to throw up again til we got inside and I threw up on the floor. They rushed me back and got me in a bed and Roman stayed by my side. "Miley...... do you think you could be pregnant?" the doctor asked me.

Roman looked at me in confusion just as Daddy ran in. "There's a chance I could be....," I said. "Could be what?" Daddy asked. "Pregnant," I said. The doctor ordered a pregnancy test then left the room.

"If you are pregnant Miley.....then who's the father?" Daddy asked me. I swallowed hard and glanced over at Roman. "The cats outta the bag now," Roman said. "So you two have had I right?" Daddy asked trying to keep his anger in check.

Roman nodded. "Yes we have Shawn," he said and I nodded. A nurse took a blood sample and an urine sample and walked out. "I'm very disappointed in you both. I'm sorry but if it turns out that you're indeed pregnant......then both you and Roman will have to move out. End of discussion," Daddy said flatly.

I looked at Roman and he looked Daddy in the eye. "That's just fine sir. Miley and I will live in the house that my father left me......the ONLY father I'll EVER HAVE!! As far as I'm concerned you're just a fucking replacement!!! I'll never consider you my father! And I hope Mom leaves your ass after shefinds out that you kicked me and Miley out!" he said growing angrier with every word.

The doctor came in then and looked at me. "Miley you're pregnant," he said and my father stomped out of the room. "Ok," I said in a small voice as the door shut behind the doctor as he left. Roman sat beside me on the bed and held me as I cried. "It's ok baby we'll make it through this," he said.

I looked up at him. "Daddy h-hates me Roman!!! He'll never look at me as his princess anymore," I said wiping my eyes. "He's just pissed that it was me that got you pregnant," Roman said.

A nurse ran in then. "Miley......your father just had a heart attack!" she said then ran back to help him. "Oh God!" I said crying again, "it's all my fault! I caused this!!".

"No baby you didn't. Don't blame yourself......," Roman said holding me as I cried. If anything happened to Daddy I'd never forgive myself.......

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