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"Ah Agent White, you're finally here!" The officer exclaimed, seeing the man walk closer to the crime scene.

"What do we have?" He asked once he made it to the scene.

"Uh- murder sir" the officer answered. The agent nodded and looked closer to the victim.

"Do we have an ID?" He asked once again. The officer nodded and handed him the note pad. "Victor Stone, huh, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The agent looked up at the officer, who had startled once he was addressed.

"Renegade, sir?" The officer answered hesitantly. The agent nodded in agreement and the officer let out a breath. "Do you think it's time?" The officer asked.

"Yes Jacob, its time to call in Project 9."


Minho woke up to the feeling of something slapping against his face, causing him to groan.

"What do you wa- wait, what the fuck? Is this a pancake?" He groaned, peeling the pancake off his cheek. 'Its too early for this shit'. He snapped his head to the side when he heard giggling coming from his left side. He glared at the spot, he couldn't see the person because of the wall but he was almost certain that it was Felix.

"Alright you assho-" Minho was interrupted by Chan bursting in the room.

"Felix! Stop smacking Minho with the pancakes and come on, we got a call," he yelled before looking over towards Minho. "Oh, hi Minho. Get up we gotta go" with that he turned and ran out of the room. Minho grumbled but got up, they never got calls.

"Yah Felix, I'm gonna kill you if you don't stop smacking me with stuff to wake me up. This is the 4th time this week." Minho hissed, glaring at the spot that Felix was hiding. He heard more quiet giggles before he saw Felix run out of the room, following Chan.


"Alright, so, what's happening?" Minho asked as he walked into the room. Everyone that had been sitting in kitchen turned to look at him.

"Uh- we really dont know yet, we have to go meet the 'big guy' at HQ" Chan spoke putting quotations around the nickname. Minho made an 'ah' sound, walking towards the fridge and grabbing the milk.

"What time do we leave?" Minho asked, pouring the milk into a glass and returning it to the fridge.

"Um- oh shit, we gotta go!" Chan exclaimed running towards the door. Minho followed, shaking his head with a smile.

"We're a mess" he whispered to himself before downing his drink and walking through the doors.


The group stepped out of the car once they stopped in front of HQ. Minho looked up at the building, it looked modern having walls made of glass and steel.

"Hey Minho, get in place," Chan spoke from his place at the beginning of the line. Minho walked forward, fitting himself between Woojin and Changbin. He could hear Chan let out a breath as they walked through the doors and prayed that this was over soon.

They made it through the lobby and up to the main room, waiting for their name to be called.

"Project-oh, P-Project 9!" The receptionist called out hesitantly, everyone knew who Project 9 were but no one had actually seen them before. She was startled when a group of boys, all younger than herself, walking up and waited for her to lead them back.

"R-right this way," with that she turned and walked down the twisting hallways.

"Mr. Lee will be here soon so just sit I guess," she turned and walked out, leaving the boys to talk among themselves.

"I wonder what the call is about," Felix spoke after the door was shut, making the tense air leave slightly. Chan was about to answer when the door opened, causing everyone to turn forwards very quickly. A slender man walked in flanked by bodyguards. He, surprisingly, had pink hair and didnt look much older than themselves. The only person in the group that had met their boss had been Chan, leaving the rest shocked by his appearance.

"Chan! And others, sorry I don't know all of your names yet," The man spoke in a vibrant tone while looking around the room. He moved and sat down at his desk, gesturing for the group to move closer.

"Why did you call us Mr. Lee?" Chan asked after everyone had settled.

"Please Chan, I'm barely 2 years older than you, please call me Taeyong" the man, Taeyong, spoke in a friendly tone making the boys relax.

"Sir, I dont think you understand just how much I can not do that" Chan said, making one of the body guards chuckle quietly.

"Jaehyun!" Taeyong exclaimed, turning to glare at the man behind him, "anyway just do whatever makes you comfortable I guess" he shrugged once he turned around. Taeyong ran his eyes over the group sitting in front of him and hummed.

"But now, the reason you were called here is because we've been receiving calls about murders recently from the local police stations. None of the victims were connected within their personal live, the only thing they had in common was the fact that they were business men. In fact, men that had many harsh rumors surrounding them." He paused, letting the group ask any questions that they had.

"What about their deaths, were they similar?" Changbin asked, sitting forward in his chair. Taeyong hummed again, thinking about the answer.

"We believe so, they were all done in similar places with similar fatalities. They are not identical but they are close enough that we assume they are all related," he spoke finally, causing Changbin to hum and sit back.

"Do we have any leads?" Chan asked, thinking about any possible suspects.

"We do actually, there is an 'assassin' as some would call him. We like to call him a serial killer but everyone is different. His name is Renegade. We have little information about him, most of it was erased in an accident a few years ago." Everyone was thinking, it made sense but how were they supposed to find some one that they didnt have information on.

"I can print out what we have if you want but I dont know how much help it will be. I just thought that you guys would be the best to go after him, you know assassins against assassins." The group nodded, this was what they had been trained for.

"We can do it. Just send the info over to the dorm and we'll do the rest. Thanks for the call Mr. Lee" Taeyong let out a huff at the name but nodded anyway.

"Yeah whatever, thank you for taking it. This guy is dangerous so be careful, please."

"We will, we can do this" with that said Chan turn and walked out the door, the group following behind him. Once they were gone, one of the body guards turned toward Taeyong.

"You think they can do it?" He asked, casting a glance towards the door.

"I really hope so, Jaehyun, I really hope so" Taeyong spoke quietly, looking at the closed door.


Hello! So I finally got the next chapter done and I actually have a plan for the next chapter(s) as well, so thats fun. Anyway as always I hope you enjoyed it and have a great day. Remember that comments are always welcome. Bye!

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