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I can see it
It's coming down like rain
All this darkness
Casting shadows
On people's blind brains
We think it's alright
We live our lives
Like everything's good
But deep within
We all know
That's not what goes down in the hood
Our struggle
Our pain
Hasn't gone away
But we're used to it all the same
Can't really fix it
So we just wait
Waiting for something
Knowing nothing will break
But in our hearts
We're the solution
We know what we're capable of
We just don't you use it
Knowing about this
Only because we've been tought not to 
Self righteousness
We're not willing to stop
Will has been broken
Into jagged edges of obisidian oppression
But that's the plan
Divide and conquer
Keep us low so we won't want to rise above
We have fight it
Keep ourselves blindfolded
So we can see
Shed our shackles
So we can be free
But no one dares to move in it's presence
To tell it's real origin
Except for right now
Let's be the change

I kinda wrote this in an emotional burst, but I hope you enjoyed!

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